US Supreme court

Are Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts with Non-State Groups International or Non-International?

Are Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts with Non-State Groups International or Non-International? From time to time we have had discussions on this…

13 años hace

Two New Decisions on Subject-Matter Immunity, Torture and Extrajudicial Killings

Two New Decisions on Subject-Matter Immunity, Torture and Extrajudicial Killings  Lorna McGregor, Senior Lecturer, School of Law, University of Essex.…

14 años hace

The ICJ and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation

The ICJ and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation On Monday, the ICJ delivered its judgment in the Costa Rica v. Nicaragua case,…

16 años hace

Domestic Enforcement of Decisions of International Tribunals

Domestic Enforcement of Decisions of International Tribunals I am at the American Society of International Law’s Annual Meeting and attended…

16 años hace