viernes, marzo 28, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: United States

Tratado sobre prohibición de armas nucleares: breve balance

Nicolas Boeglin

Tratado sobre prohibición de armas nucleares: breve balance Foto de la mesa que dirigió las negociaciones extraida de entrevista radial del Programa Hablando Claro titulada “El papel de Costa Rica en el Tratado sobre la Prohibición de las Armas Nucleares, con Elaine White” En julio del 2017, se celebró la …

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Active Hostilities and International Law Limits to Trump’s Executive Order on Guantanamo

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Active Hostilities and International Law Limits to Trump’s Executive Order on Guantanamo In his State of the Union speech on January 30, 2018, U.S. President Donald Trump announced his signing of a new executive order aimed at keeping open the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as well as …

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The Customary International Law of Jurisdiction in the Restatement (Fourth) of Foreign Relations Law


The Customary International Law of Jurisdiction in the Restatement (Fourth) of Foreign Relations Law by William S. Dodge [William S. Dodge is Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Law at the UC Davis School of Law. He currently serves as a co-reporter for the Restatement (Fourth) of Foreign Relations Law.] …

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Did the Trump Administration’s Jerusalem Declaration Violate International Law?


Did the Trump Administration’s Jerusalem Declaration Violate International Law? by David Hughes [David Hughes is a Grotius Research Scholar at the University of Michigan, Law School and a PhD Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto.] On 6 December, President Trump signed a Proclamation recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital …

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Cold War II

Project Syndicate

Cold War II Feb 23, 2018 Richard N. Haass A quarter-century after the end of the Cold War, the world unexpectedly finds itself in a second one. This state of affairs was anything but inevitable, and it is in neither side’s interest to escalate tensions further. NEW YORK – The …

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Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power

Project Syndicate

Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power Feb 6, 2018 Joseph S. Nye How a government behaves at home, in international institutions, and in foreign policy can affect others by the influence of its example. In all of these areas, Trump has reversed attractive American policies. CAMBRIDGE – …

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Treaty Between The United States Of America And The Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics On The Limitation Of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems

TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS ON THE LIMITATION OF ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILE SYSTEMS Signed at Moscow May 26, 1972 Ratification advised by U.S. Senate August 3, 1972 Ratified by U.S. President September 30, 1972 Proclaimed by U.S. President October 3, 1972 Instruments …

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No, There Is No International Legal Basis for the “Bloody Nose” Strategy


No, There Is No International Legal Basis for the “Bloody Nose” Strategy by Kevin Jon Heller At Lawfare yesterday, two law professors at West Point defended the US’s right to attack North Korea if it tests another nuclear weapon or fires another missile into Japanese waters: North Korea is extraordinarily close …

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Hybrid Threats and the United States National Security Strategy: Prevailing in an “Arena of Continuous Competition”

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Hybrid Threats and the United States National Security Strategy: Prevailing in an “Arena of Continuous Competition” The dividing line between war and peace is blurred. This is one of the messages emerging from the National Security Strategy (NSS) of the United States of America adopted in December 2017. The United …

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Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 386

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 386 International Law relating to Islands, by S. D. Murphy, Professor at the George Washington University; La mise en oeuvre des décisions des tribunaux internationaux dans l’ordre interne, par G. Cataldi, professeur à l’université de NaplesMurphy/Cataldi. Biographical note Co-publication with: The Hague Academy of …

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International Law Pays No Homage to Catalonia’s Declaration of Independence


International Law Pays No Homage to Catalonia’s Declaration of Independence by Julian Ku International law is famously mushy and subject to a variety of interpretations.  But there are some issues upon which there is more consensus under international law, such as the illegality of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.  But is …

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Is International Law International?

Is International Law International? Anthea Roberts and Foreword by Martti Koskenniemi

Is International Law International? Author: Anthea Roberts and Foreword by Martti Koskenniemi ISBN: 9780190696412 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 16 October 2017 Price: $39.95 This book takes the reader on a sweeping tour of the international legal field to reveal some of the patterns of difference, dominance, and disruption that belie …

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