viernes, marzo 28, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: United States

Ecuador Denounces ICSID: Much Ado About Nothing?

Ecuador Denounces ICSID: Much Ado About Nothing? Much has been made of Ecuador’s recent withdrawal from the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (’ICSID’). The notice has the effect of terminating the jurisdiction of the Centre effective 7 January 2010. The most …

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The ICJ and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation

The ICJ and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation On Monday, the ICJ delivered its judgment in the Costa Rica v. Nicaragua case, concerning navigational and related rights on the river San Juan (Registry summary; judgment). The case itself is not terribly important in the grand scheme of things, but upon reading the …

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Africa and the International Criminal Court

Africa and the International Criminal Court This week African States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court will meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to assess the work of the ICC in relation to Africa. The meeting is significant as all of the current situations and cases under …

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Arctic ownership and the US approach to the law of the sea

Arctic ownership and the US approach to the law of the sea Could the question of “Arctic ownership” push the US to sign the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention? As we have reported earlier, and as frequently reported in the media (see e.g. this latest article at, …

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One step forward, two steps backward: The ICJ interprets Mexico’s Request for Interpretation of Avena and other Mexican Nationals

One step forward, two steps backward: The ICJ interprets Mexico’s Request for Interpretation of Avena and other Mexican Nationals On 19 January 2009, the International Court of Justice formally declined to interpret its judgment in the Case of Avena and Certain Other Mexican Nationals (Avena), which dealt, as did its …

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President Obama and International Law

President Obama and International Law Over on Jurist, Mary Ellen O’Connell has an interesting piece on the role that President Obama might have in restoring US faith in international law. O’Connell argues that the decline in US respect for international law is primarily attributable to Hans Morgenthau, his realist approach …

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Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals

Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals Earlier this week, the Trial Chamber at International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) hearing the case against Radovan Karadzic issued a decision in which it stated that “According to customary international law, there are some acts for which immunity from prosecution cannot be …

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U.S. and the Czech Republic Sign SOFA Treaty on Anti-Missile Radar Base

U.S. and the Czech Republic Sign SOFA Treaty on Anti-Missile Radar Base On Friday, September 19, 2008, after an informal meeting of NATO members’ defence ministers, the U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Czech Defence Minister Vlasta Parkanova signed SOFA treaty (Status of Forces Agreement) on the conditions …

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U.S.-India nuclear deal faces crucial meeting

U.S.-India nuclear deal faces crucial meeting VIENNA (Reuters) – A civilian nuclear deal between India and the United States faces a crucial test on Thursday when the 45-nation Nuclear Suppliers Group meets in Vienna. [via Reuters: International News]

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Interim Agreement Between The United States of America and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Certain Measures With Respect to the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms

Signed at Moscow May 26, 1972 Approval authorized by U.S. Congress September 30, 1972 Approved by U.S. President September 30, 1972 Notices of acceptance exchanged October 3, 1972 Entered into force October 3, 1972 The United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, hereinafter referred to as …

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Protocol on the Termination of the Occupation Regime in the Federal Republic of Germany

The United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 The Convention on Relations between the Three Powers and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Convention on the Rights and Obligations of …

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