United States

Statement by the Under Secretary of State at the Concluding Plenary Session of the Geneva Conference (Geneva, 21 July 1954)

As I stated on July 18, my Government is not prepared to join in a declaration by the Conference such…

71 años hace

Final Declaration of the Geneva Conference on the Problem of Restoring Peace in Indo-China (Geneva, 21 July 1954)

FINAL DECLARATION, dated the 21st July, 1954, of the Geneva Conference on the problem of restoring peace in Indo-China, in…

71 años hace

Pittsburgh Agreement 1918

"We approve the political program, which endeavors to bring about a union of the Czechs and Slovaks in an independent…

107 años hace

Acta General de la Conferencia de Berlin (26 de Febrero de 1885)

En el nombre de Dios Todopoderoso. Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, Emperatriz de…

140 años hace

Tratado concluido entre los Estados Unidos y las naciones Cheyenne y Arapaho (14 de octubre de 1865)

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the camp on the Little Arkansas River, in the State of Kansas,…

159 años hace

Tratado entre los Estados Unidos y las naciones Comanche, Kiowa y Apache (27 de julio de 1853)

Articles of a treaty, made and concluded at Fort Atkinson, in the Indian Territory, of the United States of America,…

172 años hace

Tratado entre los Estados Unidos y la nación Apache Firmado el 1 de Julio de 1852

Articles of a treaty made and entered into at Santa Fe, New México, on the first day of July in…

173 años hace

Tratado entre los Estados Unidos y la nación Chikasaw (1805)

Articles of arrangement made and concluded in the Chickasaw country, between James Robertson and Silas Dinsmoor, commissioners of the United…

220 años hace

El Mensaje de Adiós (Farewell Address) de George Washington, de 1796

Friends and Citizens: The period for a new election of a citizen to administer the executive government of the United…

229 años hace