lunes, marzo 31, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: United Nations

Domestic Enforcement of Decisions of International Tribunals

Domestic Enforcement of Decisions of International Tribunals I am at the American Society of International Law’s Annual Meeting and attended a panel on the domestic enforcement of decisions of international tribunals.  The panelists, which included distinguished presenters Professors Lori Fisler Damrosch of Columbia University and Andreas Paulus of Gottingen, spoke …

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Arctic ownership and the US approach to the law of the sea

Arctic ownership and the US approach to the law of the sea Could the question of “Arctic ownership” push the US to sign the United Nations Law of the Sea Convention? As we have reported earlier, and as frequently reported in the media (see e.g. this latest article at, …

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The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility

The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility Consider the following scenario: state A commits an internationally wrongful act (say genocide) against state B, incurring responsibility for doing so and giving state B an entitlement to reparation. Before state B actually manages to obtain reparation from state A, state …

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Recent Developments at the International Court of Justice

Recent Developments at the International Court of Justice Speedy Despatch of Business at the Court? In addition to new judges taking up office, and the election of the President and the Vice President (which Marko points out in his post), the Court has also elected a Chamber of Summary Procedure …

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New judges at the International Criminal Court

New judges at the International Criminal Court At the seventh session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which opened on 19th January at the UN Headquarters in New York, six members of the ICC were elected (see press release). 1. SHAHABUDDEEN, …

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Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals

Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals Earlier this week, the Trial Chamber at International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) hearing the case against Radovan Karadzic issued a decision in which it stated that “According to customary international law, there are some acts for which immunity from prosecution cannot be …

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Press Release 2008/34

Press Release 2008/34 NEW Request for an advisory opinion by the United Nations General Assembly (A/RES/63/3) – The General Assembly of the United Nations requests an advisory opinion from the Court on the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo (71 Kb)Read more … [via International Court of Justice, The Hague, …

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The Israeli Supreme Court denies the occupied Palestinian population the right to leave their country

The Israeli Supreme Court denies the occupied Palestinian population the right to leave their country In another worrying judgment generated by the Israeli HCJ, the Court upholds that the occupying power can restrict the basic human right to leave one’s country and the freedom of movement (Article 12 of the …

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63rd session of General Assembly opens

63rd session of General Assembly opens The 63rd session of the United Nations General Assembly will open tomorrow (16 September 2008) in New York. As part of its lengthy agenda, the Assembly will debate topics under the headings of the maintenance of international peace and security, the promotion of economic …

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Hearings in the Georgia v. Russia Case Fixed for 8-10 September

Hearings in the Georgia v. Russia Case Fixed for 8-10 September Acting in accordance with the powers conferred upon her by Article 74, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Court, Judge Rosalyn Higgins, President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, addressed …

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U.N. may want to suspend ICC action on Bashir: Russia

U.N. may want to suspend ICC action on Bashir: Russia UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – The U.N. Security Council may want to consider suspending any war crimes indictment of Sudan’s president by the International Criminal Court, Russia’s U.N. ambassador told reporters on Monday. [via Reuters: International News]

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