Anti-Piracy Court Opens in Kenya At the end of last week, Kenya opened a special court to try suspected pirates operating from Somalia in the Gulf of Aden (see BBC Report here and here) The Court, which is funded by a number of international organizations and States including the UN, the EU, Australia …
Leer »Proyecto de Código de crímenes contra la paz y la seguridad de la humanidad (en ingles)
Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind (1996) Part one General provisions Article 1 Scope and application of the present Code 1. The present Code applies to the crimes against the peace and security of mankind set out in part two. 2. Crimes against the peace …
Causa nº 13/84 “Incidente de inconstitucionalidad de los indultos dictados por el decreto 2741/90 del Poder Ejecutivo Nacional”. Registro de la Secretaría General n°02/07/P Buenos Aires, 25 de abril de 2007. Y VISTOS Y CONSIDERANDO: I. Que se inicia la incidencia en virtud de la presentación efectuada por la Sra. …
Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación(CS) Fecha: 06/10/1999 HECHOS: Una persona que se desempeñaba como personal de maestranza en una Embajada reclamó diversos rubros laborales emergentes, en su mayor parte, de un despido incausado obteniendo la traba de un embargo preventivo sobre una cuenta bancaria de la embajada. La …
Leer »Declaración de Dumbarton Oaks sobre las Naciones Unidas (7 de octubre de 1944) en ingles
Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization. October 7, 1944 Source: Pamphlet No. 4, PILLARS OF PEACE Documents Pertaining To American Interest In Establishing A Lasting World Peace: January 1941-February 1946 Published by the Book Department, Army Information School, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., May 1946 PROPOSALS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF …
Leer »Agreement Between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Provisional Government of the French Republic on Certain Additional Requirements to be Imposed on Germany (September 20, 1945)
Agreement Between the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the Provisional Government of the French Republic on Certain Additional Requirements to be Imposed on Germany September 20, 1945 The Governments of the United States of America, the Union …
Leer »UK’s Iraq Inquiry Invites Submissions on Legal Arguments Used by UK to Justify the War
UK’s Iraq Inquiry Invites Submissions on Legal Arguments Used by UK to Justify the War As we have previously noted here, the inquiry established by the UK to examine the UK’s involvement in the Iraq War has spent some time taking evidence on the legal justification put forward by the UK for …
Leer »Summaries of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders of the International Court of Justice 2003-2007
This publication contains summaries of judgments, advisory opinions and orders of a substantive nature issued by the International Court of Justice, the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2007. It is the continuation of three earlier volumes on the same subject (ST/LEG/SER.F/1 …
Leer »Legal Issues Raised by Israel’s Blockade of Gaza (UPDATED)
Legal Issues Raised by Israel’s Blockade of Gaza (UPDATED) In this post I simply want to direct readers to places where they can read about the legal issues raised by the Israeli blockade of Gaza and about Israel’s attempt to enforce that blockade earlier this week. I am sure we …
Leer »The ICC and the Crime of Aggression: The Consent Problem and the Security Council Issue
The ICC and the Crime of Aggression: The Consent Problem and the Security Council Issue The first conference to the review the Statute of the International Criminal Court opens next week in Kampala Uganda. The major proposal to be considered at the conference will be proposals to amend the Statute so as …
Leer »Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay) – Judgment of 20 April 2010
Judgment of 20 April 2010 NEW Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay) – Judgment of 20 April 2010 (656 Kb)Read more … Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay) The Court finds that Uruguay has breached its procedural obligations to co-operate with Argentina and the …
Leer »Why the Falklands Dispute Will (Probably) Never Go to Court
Why the Falklands Dispute Will (Probably) Never Go to Court Our readers are surely aware of the reemergence of the Falklands dispute on the international stage, provoked by the UK’s decision to allow oil exploration in the waters of the Islands, and the possibility that the oil deposits may be …
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