sábado, febrero 22, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: UNGA

Ukraine Takes Russia to the International Court of Justice: Will It Work?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ukraine Takes Russia to the International Court of Justice: Will It Work? In a much-anticipated move, on 17 January 2017 Ukraine submitted the lawsuit against Russia at the ICJ alleging the violations of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (Terrorism Financing Convention) and the International …

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Palestine, Statehood and the Challenges of Representation

Palestine, Statehood and the Challenges of Representation Guy Goodwin-Gill is a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford and Professor of International Refugee Law, University of Oxford. Previously, he was Professor of Asylum Law at the University of Amsterdam and Legal Adviser in the Office of United Nations High Commissioner …

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Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion

Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion Dov Jacobs and Yannick Radi are both postdoctoral researchers at the Amsterdam Center of International Law, University of Amsterdam Nearly two years after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) submitted a request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) …

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Declaration on the Rights of the Child (UNGA resolution 1386 (XIV))

Adopted by UN General Assembly Resolution 1386 (XIV) of 10 December 1959 WHEREAS the peoples of the United Nations have, in the Charter, reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights and in the dignity and worth of the human person, and have determined to promote social progress and better standards …

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Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (UNGA resolution 1514(XV))

Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 14 December 1960 Resolution 1514 (XV) THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, MINDFUL of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the Charter of the United Nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human …

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Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space (UNGA resolution 1962 (XVII))

The General Assembly, Inspired by the great prospects opening up before mankind as a result of man’s entry into outer space, Recognizing the common interest of all mankind in the progress of the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, Believing that the exploration and use of outer …

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Res. UNGA 2574 (XXIV). Question of the reservation exclu­sively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind

2574 (XXIV). Question of the reservation exclu­sively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind A The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions …

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Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from being subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNGA resolution 3452 (XXX))

Adopted by General Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX) of 9 December 1975 Article 1 1. For the purpose of this Declaration, torture means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official on a person for such …

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