Duality of government in Côte d’Ivoire Dr. Jean d’Aspremont is Associate Professor of International Law and Senior Research Fellow of…
ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited Kenya yesterday…
ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited Kenya yesterday…
Kosovo Advisory Opinion Preview The ICJ has now officially announced that it will deliver its advisory opinion in the Kosovo…
Two Women Nominated to Replace Retiring US and Chinese Judges on the International Court of Justice The International Court of…
UK’s Iraq Inquiry Invites Submissions on Legal Arguments Used by UK to Justify the War As we have previously noted…
Africa and the International Criminal Court This week African States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court…
Would the addition of a Genocide Charge to the Bashir Arrest Warrant Change the Position on Immunity? The Pre-Trial Chamber…
ICC Issues Arrest Warrant for Bashir, but Rejects the Genocide Charge (Updated) Today the International Criminal Court issues an arrest…
Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals Earlier this week, the Trial Chamber at International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)…