Order of 8 March 2011 NEW Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua)…
Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya? Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law…
ICJ Decision Helps to End Environmntal Dispute Between Argentina and Uruguay The BBC is reporting that Argentina and Uruguay have…
Press Release 2010/38 NEW Proceedings instituted by the Republic of Costa Rica against the Republic of Nicaragua - Costa Rica…
Kosovo Advisory Opinion Preview The ICJ has now officially announced that it will deliver its advisory opinion in the Kosovo…
Anti-Piracy Court Opens in Kenya At the end of last week, Kenya opened a special court to try suspected pirates…
Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind (1996) Part one General provisions Article 1 Scope and…
This publication contains summaries of judgments, advisory opinions and orders of a substantive nature issued by the International Court of…
Was Nuremberg a Violation of the Principle of Legality? This is, remarkably, the question raised by yesterday’s judgment of the…
Judgment of 20 April 2010 NEW Pulp Mills on the River Uruguay (Argentina v. Uruguay) - Judgment of 20 April…
A Human Right to Water? The South African Constitutional Court’s Decision in the Mazibuko Case Peter Danchin is Associate Professor…
Reflections on self-determination, and the status of Kosovo in light of the Report of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on…