domingo, febrero 23, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: treaty

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations and between International Organisations (1986)

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations Done at Vienna on 21 March 1986 The Parties to the present Convention, Considering the fundamental role of treaties in the history of international relations, Recognizing the consensual nature of treaties and their ever-increasing …

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Vienna Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

Vienna, 20 december 1988 (Trb. 1989, no. 97) The Parties to this Convention, Deeply concerned by the magnitude of and rising trend in the illicit production of, demand for and traffic in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which pose a serious threat to the health and welfare of human beings …

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Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals?

Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals? What a positively weird question, you might think. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court cannot be binding on individuals. It is a treaty, to which only states can be parties, since individuals are not subjects of international law, and it is …

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Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences (UNGA resolution 48/104)

The General Assembly, Recognizing the urgent need for the universal application to women of the rights and principles with regard to equality, security, liberty, integrity and dignity of all human beings, Noting that those rights and principles are enshrined in international instruments, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1/ …

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Inter-American Convention on Forced Disappearances of Persons

PreambleThe Member States of the Organization of American States signatory to the present Convention,DISTURBED by the persistence of the forced disappearance of persons;REAFFIRMING that the true meaning of American solidarity and good neighborliness can be none other than that of consolidating in this Hemisphere, in the framework of democratic institutions, …

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Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action

The World Conference on Human Rights,Considering that the promotion and protection of human rights is a matter of priority for the international community, and that the Conference affords a unique opportunity to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the international human rights system and of the machinery for the protection …

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Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism

The member States of the Council of Europe and the other Signatories hereto,Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members;Recognising the value of reinforcing co-operation with the other Parties to this Convention;Wishing to take effective measures to prevent terrorism and to …

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Panama-USA, Convention for the Construction of the Isthmian Ship Canal (1903)

For the Construction of a Ship Canal to Connect the Waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Signed at Washington, November 18, 1903. Ratification advised by the Senate, February 23, 1904.Ratified by the President, February 25, 1904.Ratified by Panama, December 2, 1903.Ratifications exchanged at Washington, February 26, 1904.Proclaimed, February 26, …

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Treaty of Peace Between the United States and Spain; December 10, 1898

The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen Regent of Spain, in the name of her august son Don Alfonso XIII, desiring to end the state of war now existing between the two countries, have for that purpose appointed as plenipotentiaries: The President of the United States, William …

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Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles Under 400 Grammes Weight. Saint Petersburg, 29 November / 11 December 1868

On the proposition of the Imperial Cabinet of Russia, an International Military Commission having assembled at St. Petersburg in order to examine the expediency of forbidding the use of certain projectiles in time of war between civilized nations, and that Commission having by common agreement fixed the technical limits at …

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Final Act of the Congress of Vienna/General Treaty (1815)

GENERAL TREATY.[2][3] (Translation.) In the name of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity. The Powers who signed the Treaty concluded at Paris on the 30th of May 1814, having assembled at Vienna, in pursuance of the 32d Article of that Act, with the princes and states their Allies, to complete …

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Jay's Treaty — 1794 — Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation

Concluded November 19, 1794; ratification advised by the senate with amendment June 24, 1795; ratified by the President; ratifications exchanged October 28, 1795; proclaimed February 29, 1796. His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America, being desirous, by a treaty of amity, commerce and navigation, to terminate their difference …

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