martes, marzo 4, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: The Guardian

ICERD and Palestine’s Inter-State Complaint

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

ICERD and Palestine’s Inter-State Complaint On 23 April, The Guardian reported that Palestinian diplomats had filed an inter-state complaint against Israel for breaches of its obligations under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of …

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Argentina’s Sovereign Debt Default Cases: Some Recent Developments in a Continuing Saga

Argentina’s Sovereign Debt Default Cases: Some Recent Developments in a Continuing Saga More than ten years have passed since Argentina defaulted on its external debt obligations in December 2001. However, the repercussions of the Argentine financial crisis continue to contribute to the development of international law. This brief note provides …

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ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine. In April of this year, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court indicated, in an official statement, that he was not competent to decide whether Palestine is a State such that it can accept the jurisdiction of the ICC under Article 12(3) of the ICC …

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Julian Assange and Diplomatic Asylum

Julian Assange and Diplomatic Asylum Matthew Happold is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Luxembourg and an associate tenant at 3 Hare Court, London .   In taking refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, Julian Assange joins a long list of individuals who have sought asylum in …

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The Guardian – Inglaterra: El colonialismo de Malvinas viene de David Cameron, no de Argentina

The Guardian – Inglaterra: El colonialismo de Malvinas viene de David Cameron, no de Argentina Cameron no puede respetar el derecho a la autodeterminación de los isleños mientras se lo niega a los estados sudamericanos Me reí a carcajadas cuando leí la noticia ayer por la noche. El primer ministro …

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Las razones de Malvinas que cualquiera puede entender

Las razones de Malvinas que cualquiera puede entender Por Jorge Argüello Dicen, desde Pascal, que el corazón tiene razones que la razón no comprende. No es así en el caso de las Islas Malvinas argentinas. Cuando a los argentinos se nos habla de Malvinas lo primero que se nos mueve es el corazón, se agita y queda alerta por una injusto despojo …

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ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals

ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals In the past couple of months the ICJ has inserted a paragraph at the end of its press releases which seeks to make clear that the ICJ is different from the other newer international tribunals out there. The paragraph can …

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The Guardian – Inglaterra: Gran Bretaña está dormida respecto a Argentina y las Malvinas –

The Guardian – Inglaterra: Gran Bretaña está dormida respecto a Argentina y las Malvinas América del Sur está cada vez más fuerte y cada vez más unida. Gran Bretaña debe despertar a esta nueva realidad Gran Bretaña está dormida respecto a Argentina y las Malvinas The Guardian – Inglaterra Richard …

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Can Gaddafi invoke self-defence against NATO; have NATO leaders committed the crime of aggression?

Can Gaddafi invoke self-defence against NATO; have NATO leaders committed the crime of aggression? Dr Gleider I. Hernández  is lecturer in law at the University of Durham; Thomas R. Liefländer is a PhD candidate at the University of Cologne. The recent events rapidly unfolding in Libya have raised a number …

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“Rescuing ‘Boat People’ in the Mediterranean Sea: The Responsibility of States under the Law of the Sea”.

“Rescuing ‘Boat People’ in the Mediterranean Sea: The Responsibility of States under the Law of the Sea”. Dr. Efthymios Papastavridis, LLM(Athens), LLM(UCL), PhD (UCL) is Adjunct Lecturer, University of Thrace, Faculty of Law and Research Fellow, Academy of Athens, Greece [papastavridis {at} Academyofathens(.)gr ]. 1. Introductory Remarks According to a very recent …

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What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit?

What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit? I spent much of yesterday conducting interviews with the media about the situation in Libya. One of the questions I was repeatedly asked concerned the scope of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 which authorises the use of force in Libya.  How far does the …

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Questioning the Statehood of the Vatican

Questioning the Statehood of the Vatican The Pope will begin a State visit to the UK on Thursday Sept 16. In anticipation of this event, some are using the occasion to highlight the tragedy concerning the sexual abuse of children by catholic priests around the world and the failure of …

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