domingo, octubre 6, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: The Court

The Two Faces of the Genocide Convention

The Two Faces of the Genocide Convention In keeping with Christmas spirit, here’s my next post on the Genocide Convention. Can a state be responsible for genocide? What does that even mean? Aren’t international crimes, in the sage words of the Nuremberg Tribunal, committed by men, not by abstract entities? …

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EU court annuls counter-terrorist measure of the European Union

EU court annuls counter-terrorist measure of the European Union On 4 December the Court of First Instance delivered its judgment in the matter People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (”PMOI”) v Council of the European Union (Case T?284/08), where it declares one of the EU’s key instruments for the “fight against …

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Czech Constitutional Court gives green light to the Lisbon Treaty

Czech Constitutional Court gives green light to the Lisbon Treaty Today the Czech Constitutional Court rendered its much awaited decision on the relationship between the Czech constitution and the Lisbon Treaty. The Court decided that “[t]he Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and Treaty on establishing the European Community and …

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The Israeli Supreme Court denies the occupied Palestinian population the right to leave their country

The Israeli Supreme Court denies the occupied Palestinian population the right to leave their country In another worrying judgment generated by the Israeli HCJ, the Court upholds that the occupying power can restrict the basic human right to leave one’s country and the freedom of movement (Article 12 of the …

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