sábado, febrero 22, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Syria

The Evacuation of Eastern Aleppo: Humanitarian Obligation or War Crime?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Evacuation of Eastern Aleppo: Humanitarian Obligation or War Crime? On March 1, the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic (“the Commission”) released a report on the horrific events that unfolded in Aleppo last year until it was captured by the Syrian governmental forces. The …

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Protection of Civilians Symposium


Protection of Civilians Symposium by Jessica Dorsey This week, we are hosting a symposium on the Protection of Civilians, a volume recently published by Oxford University Press, edited by Haidi Willmot, United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations; Ralph Mamiya, team leader, Protections of Civilians at the United Nations’ Department of Peacekeeping Operations; Scott Sheeran, Senior …

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Contra una invocación abusiva de la legítima defensa en la lucha contra el terrorismo

Gráfico sobre la propoción entre bombardeos en Siria de Estados Unidos (azul) con relación a sus demás aliados (rojo) entre Diciembre del 2014 y Agosto del 2015, publicado en este reporte de Airwars.org titulado: "First year of Coalition airstrikes helped stall Islamic State – but at a cost"

Nicolas Boeglin (*) Profesor de Derecho Internacional Público, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR)   Desde varias semanas circula en la red un llamado colectivo suscrito por una gran cantidad de profesores de derecho internacional, asistentes e investigadores, titulado “Contra una invocación abusiva del derecho de legítima defensa …

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Argumentos basados en la Resolución 2249 del Consejo de Seguridad en el reciente informe del Primer Ministro británico sobre Siria: una necesaria clarificación


Nicolas Boeglin (*) Hace unos días, el Primer Ministro David Cameron llamó a los miembros del parlamento británico a votar en favor de una extensión de operaciones en Siria por parte de la Royal Air Force (RAF) contra el denominado “Estado Islámico” (EI, o ISIS o Daesh), con el objetivo …

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Arguments based on UN resolution 2249 in Prime Minister´s report on airstrikes in Syria: some clarifications needed


Nicolas Boeglin (*) A few days ago, Prime Minister David Cameron has appealed to Parliament Members to vote in favor of Royal Air Forces (RAF) airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria, in order to “keep the British people safe” from the threat of terrorism. At the opening of a …

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Crimea: Does “The West“ Now Pay the Price for Kosovo?

Crimea: Does “The West“ Now Pay the Price for Kosovo? There is a lingering sentiment on this blog (see the posts by Nico Krisch and Christian Marxsen) that “the Kosovo issue” has facilitated the blatant violations of international law recently committed by Russia with regard to Crimea (notably the unlawful …

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The Use of ‘Do it Yourself’ Barrel Bombs under International Law

The Use of ‘Do it Yourself’ Barrel Bombs under International Law Among the continuing horrors reported from Syria, it is the use of certain weapons that time and again makes the headlines. While the use of chemical weapons led to an important response from the international community, in recent months …

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OUP Debate Map on “Disputes in the South and East China Seas”

OUP Debate Map on “Disputes in the South and East China Seas” Readers interested in the territorial and maritime boundary disputes between China and her neighbours in the South and East China Seas will welcome the creation by Oxford University Press of a “Debate Map” on the topic. The  “Debate Map” is …

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Military force against Syria would be a reprisal rather than humanitarian intervention, but that doesn’t make it any more lawful

Military force against Syria would be a reprisal rather than humanitarian intervention, but that doesn’t make it any more lawful Dr Shane Darcy is a lecturer at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland Galway. The anticipated use of military force against Syria in reaction to the …

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Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria?

Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria? Recent reports regarding the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria are very disturbing indeed. If it turns out that there is concrete evidence that chemical weapons have been used, many will hope this will (finally) provoke action by the …

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Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria?

Can the ICC Prosecute for Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria? Recent reports regarding the possible use of chemical weapons in Syria are very disturbing indeed. If it turns out that there is concrete evidence that chemical weapons have been used, many will hope this will (finally) provoke action by the …

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