lunes, marzo 31, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Switzerland

Belgium sues Swizterland in the ICJ in a dispute concerning recognition and enforcement of a civil judgment

Belgium sues Swizterland in the ICJ in a dispute concerning recognition and enforcement of a civil judgment Last week, Belgium initiated proceedings in the ICJ against Swizterland in a dispute raising issues of private international law and of the relationship between public international law and private international law. The dispute concerns: …

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The Swiss Referendum on the Prohibition of Minarets

The Swiss Referendum on the Prohibition of Minarets  Anne Peters is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Basel, a position she has held since 2001. In the academic year 2004/05 she was Dean of the Faculty of Law. Prior to taking up the tenured post she was …

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Ecuador Denounces ICSID: Much Ado About Nothing?

Ecuador Denounces ICSID: Much Ado About Nothing? Much has been made of Ecuador’s recent withdrawal from the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (’ICSID’). The notice has the effect of terminating the jurisdiction of the Centre effective 7 January 2010. The most …

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Tratado de Munster (1648) en español

Tratado definitivo de paz y comercio ajustado entre S. M. C. y los Estados Generales de las Provincias Unidas. Firmado en Münster, 30 de enero de 1648 Don Felipe IV, por la gracia de Dios, Rey de Castilla, de León de Aragón, etc., etc. A todos los que las presentes …

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