
Conclusion of the eighth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute

Conclusion of the eighth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute The Assembly of States Parties…

15 años hace

The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part I: The Place of Domestic Constitutional Orders in the International Legal Framework

The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part I: The Place of Domestic Constitutional Orders in the International…

15 años hace

Sixty Years of the Geneva Conventions

Sixty Years of the Geneva Conventions On 12 August 1949 the four Geneva Convention were opened for signature. They, as…

16 años hace

Afghanistan accedes to Additional Protocols to Geneva Conventions: Will AP II govern the conflict in Afghanistan?

Afghanistan accedes to Additional Protocols to Geneva Conventions: Will AP II govern the conflict in Afghanistan? Last week (June 24)…

16 años hace

Inter-American Human Rights Commission: Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela and Haiti with severe human rights problems

Inter-American Human Rights Commission: Colombia, Cuba, Venezuela and Haiti with severe human rights problems According to the Annual Report 2008…

16 años hace

The Security Council and Human Rights: What is the role of Art. 103 of the Charter?

The Security Council and Human Rights: What is the role of Art. 103 of the Charter? At last week’s ASIL…

16 años hace

Domestic Enforcement of Decisions of International Tribunals

Domestic Enforcement of Decisions of International Tribunals I am at the American Society of International Law’s Annual Meeting and attended…

16 años hace

Would the addition of a Genocide Charge to the Bashir Arrest Warrant Change the Position on Immunity?

Would the addition of a Genocide Charge to the Bashir Arrest Warrant Change the Position on Immunity? The Pre-Trial Chamber…

16 años hace

Distinctions between the Legal Position of ICC Parties and Non-Parties Regarding Aggression

Distinctions between the Legal Position of ICC Parties and Non-Parties Regarding Aggression The International Criminal Court (ICC) recently released the latest…

16 años hace

Belgium brings case against Senegal in the ICJ over Failure to Prosecute Hissene Habre

Belgium brings case against Senegal in the ICJ over Failure to Prosecute Hissene Habre Belgium has filed a case in…

16 años hace

Recent Developments at the International Court of Justice

Recent Developments at the International Court of Justice Speedy Despatch of Business at the Court? In addition to new judges…

16 años hace

The Two Faces of the Genocide Convention

The Two Faces of the Genocide Convention In keeping with Christmas spirit, here’s my next post on the Genocide Convention.…

16 años hace