domingo, diciembre 22, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Serbia

Acuerdo de Copenhague (2009)

Acuerdo de Copenhague Los Jefes de Estado, Jefes de Gobierno, Ministros y otros jefes de las siguientes delegaciones presentes en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2009, en Copenhague1: Albania, Alemania, Argelia, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belarús, Bélgica, Benin, Bhután, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Botswana, …

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Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion

Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion Dov Jacobs and Yannick Radi are both postdoctoral researchers at the Amsterdam Center of International Law, University of Amsterdam Nearly two years after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) submitted a request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) …

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Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?

Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya? Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford. A wind of change is currently sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East. While the transformation in Tunisia and Egypt has, at least so …

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Kosovo Independence Declaration Is Legal, UN Court Rules

Kosovo Independence Declaration Is Legal, UN Court Rules THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Kosovo won a major victory on the world stage Thursday as the United Nations’ highest court said its 2008 declaration of independence from Serbia was legal.The nonbinding opinion by the International Court of Justice sets the stage for …

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La Corte Internacional de Justicia y el futuro de Kosovo

La Corte Internacional de Justicia y el futuro de Kosovo Cualquiera que sea el veredicto de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) sobre la declaración de independencia de Kosovo, la batalla por su reconocimiento continuará. El reconocimiento es en esencia un tema político que los propios Estados deben decidir. Es …

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¿Afectará la opinión de la Corte Internacional de Justicia el futuro de Kosovo?

¿Afectará la opinión de la Corte Internacional de Justicia el futuro de Kosovo? Cualquiera que sea el veredicto de la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) sobre la declaración de independencia de Kosovo, la batalla por su reconocimiento continuará. El reconocimiento es en esencia un tema político que los propios Estados …

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Kosovo Advisory Opinion Preview

Kosovo Advisory Opinion Preview The ICJ has now officially announced that it will deliver its advisory opinion in the Kosovo case on 22 July. This essay/post is intended to serve as a preview of the many issues raised in the case, of the main lines of argument by states before …

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Catorce puntos del Presidente Wilson (1918)

January 8 – Woodrow Wilson Outlines His Fourteen Points

Hacia el final de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Woodrow Wilson, hizo un llamado a las naciones europeas en conflicto para que detuvieran el fuego y dieran paso a la reconstrucción del continente. Para esto redactó un discurso conocido como los Catorce Puntos, que no …

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ICTY Trial Chamber decides Milutinovic et al

ICTY Trial Chamber decides Milutinovic et al Today a Trial Chamber of the ICTY delivered its judgment in Milutinovic et al, a case against a number of high-ranking political, military and police officials of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia regarding crimes committed by FRY/Serbian forces in Kosovo in …

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The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility

The Tricky Question of State Succession to International Responsibility Consider the following scenario: state A commits an internationally wrongful act (say genocide) against state B, incurring responsibility for doing so and giving state B an entitlement to reparation. Before state B actually manages to obtain reparation from state A, state …

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ICTY Trial Chamber Suspends Seselj Trial

ICTY Trial Chamber Suspends Seselj Trial The most poorly run trial ever before the ICTY – the high profile proceedings against the ultra-nationalist Serbian leader Vojislav Seselj – has entered into what I can only call its metastasis. AP reports that today the Trial Chamber, by 2 votes to 1 …

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