
Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

Preamble:The preamble is the introductory part of the Protocol which sets out the object and purpose of the Protocol. It…

14 años hace

Declaration of Principles Governing the Use by States of Artificial Earth Satellites for International Direct Television Broadcasting (UNGA resolution 37/92)

The General Assembly,Recalling its resolution 2916 (XXVII) of 9 November 1972, in which it stressed the necessity of elaborating principles…

14 años hace

Protocol No. 2 to the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

The States, signatories to this Protocol to the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment…

14 años hace

Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

The member States of the Council of Europe, signatories to this Protocol to the European Convention for the Prevention of…

14 años hace

Declaration on Yugoslavia (Extraordinary EPC Ministerial Meeting, Brussels, 16 December 1991)

The European Community and its Member States discussed the situation in Yugoslavia in the light of their Guidelines on the…

14 años hace

Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities (UNGA resolution 47/135)

The General Assembly,Reaffirming that one of the main purposes of the United Nations, as proclaimed in the Charter of the…

14 años hace

Declaración de Dumbarton Oaks sobre las Naciones Unidas (7 de octubre de 1944) en ingles

Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization. October 7, 1944 Source: Pamphlet No. 4, PILLARS OF PEACE Documents Pertaining…

15 años hace

‘Is torture ever justified?’: The European Court of Human Rights decision in Gäfgen v Germany

‘Is torture ever justified?’: The European Court of Human Rights decision in Gäfgen v Germany Natasha Simonsen is a Rhodes…

15 años hace

U.S. and the Czech Republic Sign SOFA Treaty on Anti-Missile Radar Base

U.S. and the Czech Republic Sign SOFA Treaty on Anti-Missile Radar Base On Friday, September 19, 2008, after an informal…

16 años hace

Tratado concluido entre los Estados Unidos y las naciones Cheyenne y Arapaho (14 de octubre de 1865)

Articles of a treaty made and concluded at the camp on the Little Arkansas River, in the State of Kansas,…

159 años hace