sábado, marzo 29, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Secretary of State

Foreign Office Certificates and Diplomatic Immunity in the Assange Affair

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Foreign Office Certificates and Diplomatic Immunity in the Assange Affair The Assange saga continues with recent decisions in the English Courts upholding the warrant for Julian Assange’s arrest. Dapo’s recent post on Ecuador’s purported appointment of Julian Assange as one of its diplomats to the UK considered the position on …

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Ecuador Seeks to Confer Diplomatic Status on Julian Assange: Does this Oblige the UK to Allow Him to Leave the Embassy & Is the Matter Headed to the ICJ?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ecuador Seeks to Confer Diplomatic Status on Julian Assange: Does this Oblige the UK to Allow Him to Leave the Embassy & Is the Matter Headed to the ICJ? There is a recent twist in the Julian Assange saga leading to new claims that the UK has the legal obligation …

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Western Sahara before the CJEU

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Western Sahara before the CJEU Just a quick heads-up to our readers that yesterday Advocate General Wathelet of the Court of Justice of the EU delivered his opinion in Case C‑266/16, Western Sahara Campaign UK, The Queen v Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, Secretary of State for  Environment, …

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Non-State Actors and Non-Refoulement: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Zain Taj Dean

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Non-State Actors and Non-Refoulement: The Supreme Court’s Decision in Zain Taj Dean Lord Advocate v. Zain Taj Dean [2017] UKSC 44 concerned an extradition request, made by the Republic of China in Taiwan (‘ROC’). Dean, a British national, had lived in Taiwan for many years. In 2011, he was convicted …

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Can’t Britain Exit Brexit?


Can’t Britain Exit Brexit? by Edward Swaine Yesterday, Prime Minister Theresa May had hand-delivered to Brussels—via a black Jaguar, taking a secret route!—a notice “in accordance with Article 50(2) of the Treaty on European Union of the United Kingdom’s intention to withdraw from the European Union.”  Brexit is happening, even …

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Sesiones de la Comisión Internacional Americana del Café (Congreso Internacional para el estudio de la Producción y Consumo del Café). Nueva York, 1°- 31 de Octubre, 1902

La reunión de la susodicha Comisión fue organizada por la Unión Internacional de las Repúblicas Americanas (Unión Panamericana), en cumplimiento de una resolución de la Segunda Conferencia Internacional Americana (México, D.F., 1901-1903). Países representados: Brasil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estados Unidos de América, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Nicaragua, Perú, República …

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Has the United Kingdom De-Recognized Colonel Qadhafi as Head of State of Libya?

Has the United Kingdom De-Recognized Colonel Qadhafi as Head of State of Libya? On 27 February 2011, it was reported in the media that the United Kingdom had revoked the diplomatic immunity of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi and his family (see here and here). Earlier that day, the British Foreign …

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Declaración de Dumbarton Oaks sobre las Naciones Unidas (7 de octubre de 1944) en ingles

Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization. October 7, 1944 Source: Pamphlet No. 4, PILLARS OF PEACE Documents Pertaining To American Interest In Establishing A Lasting World Peace: January 1941-February 1946 Published by the Book Department, Army Information School, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., May 1946 PROPOSALS FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF …

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‘Is torture ever justified?’: The European Court of Human Rights decision in Gäfgen v Germany

‘Is torture ever justified?’: The European Court of Human Rights decision in Gäfgen v Germany Natasha Simonsen is a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford. Previously, she worked as a consultant for UNICEF and has interned with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Pakistan. Earlier this month, the Grand Chamber …

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Text of Declaration by Paris Conference on Vietnam (March 3, 1973)

ACT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIETNAM the Government of Canada; the Government of the People’s Republic of China; the Government of the United States of America; the Government of the French Republic; the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam; the Government of the Hungarian People’s Republic; …

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