domingo, septiembre 1, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: publico

Falklands' new dawn: islanders plan future around 18bn barrels of oil

Falklands’ new dawn: islanders plan future around 18bn barrels of oil Drills ready but prospective barons face environmental – and Argentinian – obstacles Early evening chatter in the Victory bar in Port Stanley used to touch on squid hauls and cruise liner schedules. Now, as the locals sip on imported …

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President Obama and International Law

President Obama and International Law Over on Jurist, Mary Ellen O’Connell has an interesting piece on the role that President Obama might have in restoring US faith in international law. O’Connell argues that the decline in US respect for international law is primarily attributable to Hans Morgenthau, his realist approach …

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International Criminal Court starts first war crimes trial

International Criminal Court starts first war crimes trial Today the trial of Thomas Lubanga at the International Criminal Court (ICC) will (finally) begin. After much confusion and delay inter alia regarding the issue of disclosure of evidence from the prosecutor to the defence/judges of the court (we reported earlier here, here and …

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New judges at the International Criminal Court

New judges at the International Criminal Court At the seventh session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which opened on 19th January at the UN Headquarters in New York, six members of the ICC were elected (see press release). 1. SHAHABUDDEEN, …

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New database on regional trade agreements

New database on regional trade agreements The website of the WTO has opened the doors to a new database on regional trade agreements. The database, which can be searched by country, region, legal provision, date of notification or entry into force of the regional trade agreement, contains all the notifications, …

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UN Human Rights Council condemns the Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip

UN Human Rights Council condemns the Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip On 12 January 2009, the Human Rights Council adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in the Gaza strip. The Resolution is entitled “The Grave Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory particularly due to …

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What to do with Captured Pirates

What to do with Captured Pirates As the international community ramps up its fight against rampant piracy off the coast of Somalia, the patrolling naval forces have started to capture pirates. As recently as January 2, 2009, France captured pirates in the Gulf of Aden. Because this is not the …

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The Two Faces of the Genocide Convention

The Two Faces of the Genocide Convention In keeping with Christmas spirit, here’s my next post on the Genocide Convention. Can a state be responsible for genocide? What does that even mean? Aren’t international crimes, in the sage words of the Nuremberg Tribunal, committed by men, not by abstract entities? …

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Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals

Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals Earlier this week, the Trial Chamber at International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) hearing the case against Radovan Karadzic issued a decision in which it stated that “According to customary international law, there are some acts for which immunity from prosecution cannot be …

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The maritime border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia

The maritime border dispute between Slovenia and Croatia Tensions have been unfortunately  increasing again in last days between Slovenia and Croatia. Below you can find an excerpt from The Conundrum of the Piran Bay, co-authored by Matej Avbelj and myself, which it is once again extremely actual. Let us hope somebody learns …

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