sábado, marzo 1, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: OBL

When to Kill and When to Capture?

When to Kill and When to Capture?My previous post on the Osama bin Laden killing and a number of posts at Opinio Juris have attracted a very productive discussion in the comments, which I would recommend to all readers who haven’t seen it already. The key issue that has emerged …

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When to Kill and When to Capture?

When to Kill and When to Capture? My previous post on the Osama bin Laden killing and a number of posts at Opinio Juris have attracted a very productive discussion in the comments, which I would recommend to all readers who haven’t seen it already. The key issue that has …

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Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?

Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights law.As …

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Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?

Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful? Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights …

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