viernes, marzo 28, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Nicaragua

Self-Defense and Non-State Actors: Indeterminacy and the Jus ad Bellum

Self-Defense and Non-State Actors: Indeterminacy and the Jus ad Bellum Self-defense in response to armed attacks by non-state actors is undoubtedly one of the most interesting – and controversial – issues in modern international law. It is of great practical relevance, as for instance, with the ongoing use of drones …

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The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part II: The Pitfalls of Constitutional Legitimism

The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part II: The Pitfalls of Constitutional Legitimism In my previous post on this topic, I argued that the international reaction to the Honduran coup potentially augurs a shift in foundational norms governing the relationship between international and domestic legal authority.  I …

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The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part I: The Place of Domestic Constitutional Orders in the International Legal Framework

The Honduran Crisis and the Turn to Constitutional Legitimism, Part I: The Place of Domestic Constitutional Orders in the International Legal Framework Who is the current President of Honduras?  Far from the stuff of quiz shows, this question bears on the very foundations of international law.  The international reaction to …

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TAIANA RECIBIÓ HOY AL NUEVO EMBAJADOR DE MÉXICO ANTE NUESTRO PAÍS El canciller Jorge Taiana recibió esta tarde en su despacho al nuevo embajador de la República de México ante nuestro país, Francisco Eduardo del Río López, quien le hizo entrega de las copias de cartas credenciales que lo acreditan …

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The ICJ and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation

The ICJ and Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation On Monday, the ICJ delivered its judgment in the Costa Rica v. Nicaragua case, concerning navigational and related rights on the river San Juan (Registry summary; judgment). The case itself is not terribly important in the grand scheme of things, but upon reading the …

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