viernes, marzo 28, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Member States

Contundente rechazo de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas al reconocimiento de Jerusalén como capital

Nicolas Boeglin

Contundente rechazo de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas al reconocimiento de Jerusalén como capital Este 21 de diciembre, la Asamblea General adoptó por abrumadora mayoría de 128 votos a favor y 9 votos en contra una resolución sobre la necesidad de asbtenerse de reconocer a Jerusalén como capital de …

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Accessing Asylum in Europe

Accessing Asylum in Europe Extraterritorial Border Controls and Refugee Rights under EU Law Violeta Moreno-Lax

Accessing Asylum in Europe Author: Violeta Moreno-Lax ISBN: 9780198701002 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 07 November 2017 Price: $125.00 Europe is currently experiencing a so-called “refugee crisis”, demonstrated by millions of displaced people unseen since World War II. This book examines the interface between the EU’s response to irregular flows, in …

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The Venezuela Crisis at the Organization of American States: Between Withdrawal and Suspension


The Venezuela Crisis at the Organization of American States: Between Withdrawal and Suspension by Alonso Illueca [Alonso Illueca is a lawyer and adjunct Professor of law at Universidad Catolica Santa Maria La Antigua and Universidad del Istmo Panama.] On May 31, 2017, the Meeting of Consultation of Ministers of Foreign …

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Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Taking the ‘Union’ out of ‘EU’: The EU-Turkey Statement on the Syrian Refugee Crisis as an Agreement Between States under International Law Almost one year after its conclusion, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has eventually made clear the real nature of the ‘so-called’ EU-Turkey Statement. The …

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The impact of Morocco’s admission to the African Union on the dispute over the Western Sahara


The impact of Morocco’s admission to the African Union on the dispute over the Western Sahara by Alonso Illueca and Sophocles Kitharidis [Alonso Illueca is Adjunct Professor of International Law at Universidad Católica Santa María La Antigua (Panama) and holds an LL.M. from Columbia University, where he specialised in Public …

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European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) 2017/2018

European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) 2017/2018

The European Interuniversity Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC) and 41 participating universities from all member states of the European Union are proud to present to you the European Master’s Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA) 2017/2018. E.MA is an intensive one-year course aimed at educating up to 100 professionals annually …

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Nicolas Boeglin

UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADOPTS A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION MECHANISM IN SYRIA ON GRAVE VIOLATIONS OF HUMANITARIAN LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS Picture of airstrikes on Aleppo, from the article: End Abusive Invocation Of ‘Self-Defence’ In Response To Terror, published in Canada, with the following indication:”Smoke rises after U.S.-led coalition …

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Brexit and International Law

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Brexit and International Law In earlier posts (here and here) there was a discussion about the different scenarios that might play out following the UK’s vote to exit the European Union. These and other debates have focused largely on the legal implications for the UK and the European Union and …

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The Supremacy of International Law? – Part Two

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The Supremacy of International Law? – Part Two Editor’s Note: This is the text of the 2nd Annual British Embassy (The Hague) International Law Lecture, delivered on 23 May 2016 (part two of two). Part one is available here. The relevance, engagement and application of international law in the domestic space are addressed …

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Adopting Resolution, General Assembly Reaffirms Role of Sport in Promoting Sustainable Development, Reconciliation in Strife-Torn Areas

GUIDO CRILCHUK (Argentina), highlighting the crucial work Brazil was doing when organizing the 2016 Games in the countries’ region, said that much had been said about how sports could play a key role. The Olympic spirit showed how sport could help build a better world. There was recognition of the importance of sport in the 2030 Agenda. In the past decade, Argentina had worked on a concept of sport as a way to promote social inclusion. As members of the Assembly knew, Buenos Aires had been chosen for the holding of the third Olympic Youth Summer Games in 2018. By adopting the resolution before it, the Assembly continued sending a message of peace and goodwill to inhabitants of the world. Argentina called on everybody to observe the Olympic Truce.

Recognizing the potential of sport as a valuable tool in the achievement of peace and development, the General Assembly today adopted a resolution reaffirming its use to promote dialogue and reconciliation in areas of conflict during and after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Further to that text, adopted without a …

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Are Human Rights Hurting Migrants at Sea?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Are Human Rights Hurting Migrants at Sea? Every year hundreds of thousands of irregular migrants, including asylum seekers and refugees, cross the Mediterranean Sea to enter Europe. More than 200.000 are thought to have crossed in 2014, reaching the coasts of Italy, Greece, Spain, Malta and Cyprus. The reasons for …

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Scottish Independence: Political Rhetoric and Legal Realities

Scottish Independence: Political Rhetoric and Legal Realities The recent publication of Professors Crawford and Boyle’s opinion on the international law aspects of Scottish independence is an event not because it says anything new – most commentators (including the present writer) come to the same conclusions – but because it puts …

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