sábado, julio 27, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Malvinas Islands

Question of the Malvinas Islands: Argentina’s claim approved by acclamation at OAS

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina

Question of the Malvinas Islands: Argentina’s claim approved by acclamation at OAS In Washington, Foreign Minister Faurie ratified Argentina’s sovereignty claim in the context of a new stage in the relationship with the United Kingdom Today, the OAS General Assembly being held in Washington D.C. adopted by acclamation a new …

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There’s nothing legal about Britain’s possession of the Malvinas

There’s nothing legal about Britain’s possession of the Malvinas Nuestra respuesta publicada en el día de la fecha por el diario The Washington Post al artículo  “Argentina is still fighting a losing battle for the Falklands” publicado por ese mismo diario el 3 de abril. Para versión en español del artículo …

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Argentina’s Position on Different Aspects of the Question of the Malvinas Islands

Argentina’s Position on Different Aspects of the Question of the Malvinas Islands History The Malvinas Islands became part of an area under Spanish jurisdiction with the entry into force of the first international instruments to delimit the “New World” soon after the discovery of the Americas in 1492. The Papal …

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