jueves, marzo 27, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: London


[ingl. sistema preestablecido para la conservación del valor del dinero], término bursátil int., vigente en el sistema monetario adscrito al FMI/IMF hasta el 15 VIII 1971, esto es, hasta la fecha del cese de la convertibilidad del dólar en oro; control de oscilaciones bursátiles del valor de las monedas de …

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Human Rights Unbound

Human Rights Unbound

Human Rights Unbound Lea Raible ISBN: 9780198863373 (Hardcover)Publicado: 11 August 2020Páginas: 256 This book explores to what extent a state owes human rights obligations to individuals outside of its territory, when the conduct of that state impacts upon the lives of those individuals. It draws upon legal and political philosophy …

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In Defense of Politicization of Human Rights

In Defense of Politicization of Human Rights

In Defense of Politicization of Human Rights The UN Special Procedures Elvira Domínguez-Redondo ISBN: 9780197516706 (Hardcover)Publicado: 01 June 2020Páginas: 252 In Defense of Politicization of Human Rights: The UN Special Procedures constitutes the first comprehensive study of the United Nations Special Procedures, covering their history, methods of work, institutional status, …

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EU External Relations Law – 2nd Edition

EU External Relations Law - 2nd Edition

EU External Relations Law Text, Cases and Materials By: Ramses A Wessel, Joris Larik ISBN: 9781509926763Publicado: 02-04-2020Páginas: 560 The first edition of this seminal textbook made a significant impact on the teaching of EU external relations law. This new edition retains the hallmarks of that success, while providing a fully …

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Abuse of Rights in International Arbitration

Abuse of Rights in International Arbitration

Abuse of Rights in International Arbitration Ahmed El Far ISBN: 9780198850380 (Hardcover)Publicado: 03 March 2020Páginas: 288 In recent years, international arbitration has become plagued by different forms of substantive and procedural abuse. For example, we have witnessed a rise in cases where parties restructure their investments in an abusive manner …

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Authority in Transnational Legal Theory

Authority in Transnational Legal Theory

Authority in Transnational Legal Theory Elgar Studies in Legal Theory Edited by Roger Cotterrell, Anniversary Professor of Legal Theory and Maksymilian Del Mar, Reader in Legal Theory, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, UK ISBN: 978 1 83910 072 7Publicado: 2019Páginas: 448 eISBN: 978 1 78471 162 7 …

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Research Handbook on Maritime Law and Regulation

Research Handbook on Maritime Law and Regulation

Research Handbook on Maritime Law and Regulation Research Handbooks in Private and Commercial Law series Edited by Jason Chuah, Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law, The City Law School, City, University of London, UK and Guest Professor of Maritime Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden ISBN: 9781786438782Publicado: 2019Páginas: 448 eISBN: 978 …

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Appointment of International Judges and Arbitrators: Legality, Legitimacy and the Rule of Law

BIICL - British Institute of International and Comparative Law

Appointment of International Judges and Arbitrators: Legality, Legitimacy and the Rule of Law Friday 25 October 2019 18.00-19.30 (registration from 17.30) The University of Liverpool in London, 33 Finsbury Square, Finsbury, London, EC2A 1AG The backgrounds and professional qualifications of judges have become salient and contested issues for many courts around the world. …

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EU Trade Law

EU Trade Law

EU Trade Law Elgar European Law series Rafael Leal-Arcas, Jean Monnet Chaired Professor of EU International Economic Law, Professor of European and International Economic Law and Director of Research, Queen Mary University of London, UK ISBN: 9781788977401Publicado: 2019Páginas: 352 eISBN: 9781788977418 Publicado: 2019Páginas: 352 This comprehensive book provides a thorough …

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Feminist Dialogues on International Law


In the past decade, a sense of feminist 'success' has developed within the United Nations and international law, recognized in the Security Council resolution 1325 on women, peace and security, the increased jurisprudence on gender based crimes in armed conflict from the ICTR/Y and the ICC, the creation of UN Women, and Security Council sanctions against perpetrators of sexual violence in armed conflict. Contributing to the development of feminist and gender scholarship on international law, Gina Heathcote provides a feminist analysis of the central pillars of international law, noting the advances and limitations of feminist approaches.Through incorporating into mainstream international legal studies specific critical and feminist narratives, this book considers the manner in which feminist thinking has changed international law, and the manner in which international law has remained impervious to key feminist dialogues. It argues for a return to structural bias feminism that engages the foundations of international law and uses gender as a method for challenging post-millennium narratives on fragmentation, the role of international institutions, the nature of legal authority, sovereignty, and the role of international legal experts.

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World Refugee Day 2018

World Refugee Day 2018

World Refugee Day 2018 As part of World Refugee Day 2018 we are excited to share with you a collection of books and journal articles related to the academic study and understanding of lives and situations of refugees globally. The journal articles and selected book chapters will be free to access until 20th July …

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20 Years After the Hong Kong Handover

Project Syndicate

20 Years After the Hong Kong Handover Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, it has remained one of Asia’s freest and most successful cities. But China’s tightening grip raises the question: What happened to “one country, two systems”? Chris Patten Chris Patten, the last British …

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