lunes, marzo 31, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: king

Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 64 Issue 5, May 2020

Journal of Conflict Resolution - Volume 64 Issue 5, May 2020

ArticlesGreater Goods: Morality and Attitudes toward the Use of Nuclear WeaponsBrian C. Rathbun, Rachel Stein Refugees, Mobilization, and Humanitarian Aid: Evidence from the Syrian Refugee Crisis in LebanonDaniel Masterson, M. Christian Lehmann Angry or Weary? How Violence Impacts Attitudes toward Peace among Darfurian RefugeesChad Hazlett Battle Diffusion Matters: Examining the …

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Journal of International Dispute Settlement – Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2020

Journal of International Dispute Settlement - Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2020

Journal of International Dispute Settlement Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2020 ISSN: 2040-3585, EISSN: 2040-3593 @OUPLaw @OUPLaw Since the 1980s, a radical development has taken place in international dispute settlement. The number of international courts, tribunals and other international dispute resolution mechanisms has increased dramatically. The number of international disputes …

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Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 64 Issue 2-3, February-March 2020

Journal of Conflict Resolution - Volume 64 Issue 2-3, February-March 2020

Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 64 Issue 2-3, February-March 2020 ISSN: 0022-0027 Online ISSN: 1552-8766 @SAGE_News @SAGEPublications SAGE Publishing Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), peer-reviewed and published eight times a year, for more than fifty years has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes …

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The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Law of Armed Conflict

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Law of Armed Conflict

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on the Law of Armed Conflict Edited by MAJ Ronald T.P. Alcala and Eric Talbot Jensen ISBN: 9780190915322 (Hardcover)Publicado: 30 August 2019Páginas: 408 Emerging technologies have always played an important role in armed conflict. From the crossbow to cyber capabilities, technology that could be weaponized …

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The 100th Anniversary of the Peace Palace

The 100th Anniversary of the Peace Palace Today marks the 100th anniversary of the Peace Palace, which houses the International Court of Justice in the Hague. The Peace Palace also houses the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), the Hague Academy of International Law and the Peace Palace Library. The idea …

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Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation

[COURT OF APPEAL] ASSOCIATED PROVINCIAL PICTURE HOUSES, LIMITED v. WEDNESBURY CORPORATION. 1947 Nov. 7, 10. Lord Greene M.R., Somervell L.J. and Singleton J. Cinematograph – Sunday performances – Licence – Condition that “no children under the age of fifteen years shall be admitted to any entertainments whether accompanied by adult …

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International convention for the unification of certain rules concerning the immunity of state-owned ships and 1934 additional protocol

THE PRESIDENT of the German Reich, His Majesty the King of the Belgians… etc. RECOGNIZING the desirability of determining by common agreement certain uniform rules concerning the immunity of State-owned ships, have decided to conclude a convention to this effect, and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, namely: (Follows the list …

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Award pronounced by His Majesty King Edward VII, as Arbitrator between the Argentine Republic and the Republic of Chile with reference to the Boundary to be traced between the two States, in Conformity with the Treaty of 1881 and the Protocol of 1893. London, november 20, 1902

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‘Is torture ever justified?’: The European Court of Human Rights decision in Gäfgen v Germany

‘Is torture ever justified?’: The European Court of Human Rights decision in Gäfgen v Germany Natasha Simonsen is a Rhodes Scholar at the University of Oxford. Previously, she worked as a consultant for UNICEF and has interned with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Pakistan. Earlier this month, the Grand Chamber …

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Pacto de acero, firmado entre Alemania e Italia (22 de mayo de 1939)

His Majesty the King of Italy and Albania and Emperor of Ethiopia, and the Chancellor of the German Reich, hold that the moment has come to confirm with a solemn Pact the intímate ties of friendship and solidarity existing between Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany…. Art. 1. The two …

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Acta General de la Conferencia de Berlin (26 de Febrero de 1885)

En el nombre de Dios Todopoderoso. Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, Emperatriz de la India, Su Majestad el Emperador de Alemania, Rey de Prusia; Su Majestad el Emperador de Austria, rey de Bohemia, etc., y Rey Apostólico de Hungría, Su Majestad el Rey …

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