London Review of International Law Volume 9, Issue 2, July 2021 Online ISSN: 2050-6333 @OUPIntLaw @OUPInternationalLaw The London Review of International Law is an online only, peer-reviewed journal for critical, innovative and cutting-edge scholarship on international law. The journal’s essential mission is to publish high-quality research. At the same time, …
Leer »Journal of Conflict Resolution – Volume 65 Issue 7-8, August-September 2021
Journal of Conflict Resolution Volume 65 Issue 7-8, August-September 2021 ISSN: 0022-0027 Online ISSN: 1552-8766 @SAGE_News @SAGEPublications SAGE Publishing Journal of Conflict Resolution (JCR), peer-reviewed and published eight times a year, for more than fifty years has provided scholars and researchers with the latest studies and theories on the causes …
Leer »Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building
Research Handbook on Post-Conflict State Building International Law Series Edited by Paul R. Williams, Rebecca I. Grazier Professor of Law and International Relations,American University, Founder of the Public International Law & Policy Group and Milena Sterio, Charles R. Emrick Jr. – Calfee Halter & Griswold Professor of Law, Cleveland-Marshall College …
Leer »Kofi Annan’s Legacy in International Law
Kofi Annan’s Legacy in International Law by Ian Johnstone [Ian Johnstone is the Dean ad interim of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. This contribution is cross-posted here.] Tributes to Kofi Annan have poured in since his death on August 18, praising his diplomatic skills, his dignified leadership, and his basic human …
Leer »Prolonged Occupation or Illegal Occupant?
Prolonged Occupation or Illegal Occupant? An unresolved question in international humanitarian law is whether an occupying power – whose authority as occupant may have initially been lawful – can cross a bright red line into illegality because it is acting contrary to the fundamental tenets of international law dealing …
Leer »Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power
Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power Feb 6, 2018 Joseph S. Nye How a government behaves at home, in international institutions, and in foreign policy can affect others by the influence of its example. In all of these areas, Trump has reversed attractive American policies. CAMBRIDGE – …
Leer »¿Es posible invocar la legítima defensa ante un ataque armado proveniente de un actor no estatal?: Francia vs. el Estado Islámico
¿Es posible invocar la legítima defensa ante un ataque armado proveniente de un actor no estatal?: Francia vs. el Estado Islámico Pablo Rosales Zamora Karem Cárdenas Ynfanzón* A raíz de los recientes ataques terroristas ocurridos en París, se han vuelto a escuchar en boca de los grandes líderes políticos, periodistas …
Leer »Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession?
Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession? by Milena Sterio [Milena Sterio is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Enrichment at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.] On September 25, 2017, Kurds voted in a self-declared independence referendum organized by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). , …
Leer »Consejo de Seguridad aprueba investigación de presuntos crímenes de guerra de ISIS en Iraq
Consejo de Seguridad aprueba investigación de presuntos crímenes de guerra de ISIS en Iraq 21 de septiembre, 2017 — El Consejo de Seguridad de Naciones Unidas autorizó este jueves la creación de un equipo de investigación para apoyar a Iraq en sus esfuerzos para exigir cuentas al grupo terrorista ISIS, …
Leer »Ten Lessons from North Korea’s Nuclear Program
Ten Lessons from North Korea’s Nuclear Program Richard N. Haass Richard N. Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, previously served as Director of Policy Planning for the US State Department (2001-2003), and was President George W. Bush’s special envoy to Northern Ireland and Coordinator for the Future of …
Leer »The Middle East’s Next War
The Middle East’s Next War Joschka Fischer Joschka Fischer was German Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1998-2005, a term marked by Germany’s strong support for NATO’s intervention in Kosovo in 1999, followed by its opposition to the war in Iraq. Fischer entered electoral politics after participating in the anti-establishment …
Leer »El número de personas desplazadas en todo el mundo alcanza un nuevo récord
El número de personas desplazadas en todo el mundo alcanza un nuevo récord 19 de junio, 2017 — En vísperas del Día Mundial de los Refugiados que se celebra el 20 de junio, el ACNUR reveló este lunes que el número de personas que se han visto forzadas a desplazarse …
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