UN Human Rights Council Brings to an End the First Cycle for Universal Periodic Review Today marks the beginning of the 19th session of the Human Rights Council, scheduled to run from February 27 to March 23, 2012. This session will also mark the official end of the first cycle of …
Leer »Peter Tomka Elected President of the ICJ
Peter Tomka Elected President of the ICJ The judges of the International Court of Justice today elected Judge Peter Tomka as President of the ICJ, and Judge Bernardo Sepulveda-Amor as Vice-President. Two newly elected judges – Giorgio Gaja and Julia Sebutinde – today took up their seats, with the terms …
Leer »UK and Argentina in new war of words over Falklands – euronews.net
UK and Argentina in new war of words over Falklands Tensions are again mounting between Argentina and Britain over the Falkland Islands, in the run-up to the 30th anniversary of the brief war the two countries fought over sovereignty. At a small demonstration outside the British Embassy in Buenos Aires, …
Leer »New Discussions on UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Reform: Using the Momentum while Acknowledging Financial and Political Realities
New Discussions on UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Reform: Using the Momentum while Acknowledging Financial and Political Realities John Morijn, PhD (EUI (Law)) is senior human rights adviser, Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and assistant professor of human rights law, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Views expressed …
Leer »ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals
ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals In the past couple of months the ICJ has inserted a paragraph at the end of its press releases which seeks to make clear that the ICJ is different from the other newer international tribunals out there. The paragraph can …
Leer »Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde Elected to the International Court of Justice
Uganda’s Julia Sebutinde Elected to the International Court of Justice Yesterday the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council elected Julia Sebutinde to be a Judge at the International Court of Justice (see UN press release). Readers may recall from an earlier post that the Security Council and General Assembly …
Leer »Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African
Next ICC Prosecutor Will be African The International Criminal Court has announced that the list of candidates for election to be the next Prosecutor of the ICC has been narrowed to two. The elections will be held at the Tenth Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Statute …
Leer »Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? (Part II) Has the UN Security Council Imposed Different Obligations of Cooperation from the Rome Statute?
Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? (Part II) Has the UN Security Council Imposed Different Obligations of Cooperation from the Rome Statute? In a previous post, I dealt with the question whether Libya has an obligation to surrender Saif Al Islam Gaddafi pending any …
Leer »Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? Part I (What Does the Rome Statute Say?)
Is Libya Under an Obligation to Surrender Saif Gaddafi to the ICC? Part I (What Does the Rome Statute Say?) Since the capture of Saif Al Islam Gaddafi last week there have been questions asked about whether he ought to be tried in Libya or by the International Court Criminal …
Leer »General Assembly and Security Council Elect Four Judges to the ICJ But Fail to Agree On Fifth Judge. What Happens Next?
General Assembly and Security Council Elect Four Judges to the ICJ But Fail to Agree On Fifth Judge. What Happens Next? Last week the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council conducted elections to elect judges to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) (see UN Press Releases here and here). Under …
Leer »Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda in Strasbourg
Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda in StrasbourgI’ve posted on SSRN an article which will be published in the EJIL next year on Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda before the European Court of Human Rights. The pre-print draft will be available on SSRN until the article comes out in the Journal. The abstract is below, …
Leer »President Obama Creates US Atrocities Prevention Board
President Obama Creates US Atrocities Prevention BoardEarlier this month, US President Barrack Obama directed the National Security Advisor to create an Atrocities Prevention Board which will be tasked with co-ordinating the US government’s policies on the prevention of mass atrocities and genocide. In addition, the President also launced a US interagency …
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