New Issue of EJIL (Vol. 28 (2017) No. 1) Published The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law (Vol. 28 (2017) No. 1) is out today. As usual, the table of contents of the new issue is available at EJIL’s own website, where readers can access those articles that are freely available without subscription. The free access article in this …
Leer »The American Convention on Human Rights
The American Convention on Human Rights Author: Thomas M. Antkowiak and Alejandra Gonza ISBN: 9780199989683 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 15 March 2017 Price: $95.00 Essential Rights Thomas M. Antkowiak and Alejandra Gonza Provides a thorough and critical analysis of selected rights of the American Convention on Human Rights A valuable …
Leer »The Hidden History of International Law in the Americas
The Hidden History of International Law in the Americas Author: Dr. Juan Pablo Scarfi ISBN: 9780190622343 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 01 November 2016 Price: $85.00 The History and Theory of International Law Explores the intellectual history of American international law in the Western Hemisphere Studies the rise and evolution of …
Leer »International Law and Empire
International Law and Empire Author: Edited by Martti Koskenniemi, Walter Rech, and Manuel Jimenez Fonseca ISBN: 9780198795575 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 05 March 2017 Price: $105.00 [via International Law]
Leer »Philosophy of International Law
Philosophy of International Law Author: Anthony Carty ISBN: 9780748675517 Binding: Paperback Publication Date: 01 March 2017 Price: $44.95 [via International Law]
Leer »Call for Papers: ‘Rethinking and Renewing the Study of International Law in/from/about Latin America”
Call for Papers: ‘Rethinking and Renewing the Study of International Law in/from/about Latin America” En estas páginas está la información de este interesante ‘call for papers’ que convocan conjuntamente las universidades colombianas Externado, Los Andes y Rosario para un simposio que tendrá lugar del 26 al 28 de septiembre de 2017 en …
Leer »Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in International Law
Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in International Law Author: Edited by Eibe Riedel, Gilles Giacca, and Christophe Golay ISBN: 9780198794745 Binding: Paperback Publication Date: 11 October 2016 Price: $47.00 [via International Law]
Leer »The Law of Armed Conflict and the Use of Force
The Law of Armed Conflict and the Use of Force Author: Edited by Frauke Lachenmann and Rudiger Wolfrum ISBN: 9780198784623 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 22 February 2017 Price: $299.00 [via International Law]
Leer »Will International Law Matter to the Trump Administration?
Will International Law Matter to the Trump Administration? by Julian Ku There are lots of panels and conferences being held around the U.S. (and maybe outside the U.S.) on the new Trump Administration’s policies and their impact on international law. I would like to recommend our readers view some or all …
Leer »Training seminar for International Electoral Observers
Training seminar for International Electoral Observers Admissions to the two, three-day, modules (20-22 March 2017 and 23-25 March 2017) of the Training seminar for International Electoral Observers are open until 12 February 2017. Open and legitimate elections are the indispensable foundation for sustainable development and an effective democracy. Actions supporting the right to …
Leer »Sección española de ‘Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts’: Llamamiento a colaboraciones
Sección española de ‘Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts’: Llamamiento a colaboraciones Este llamamiento se dirige a personas interesadas en colaborar como “redactores” (reporters) en la sección española de Oxford Reports on International Law in Domestic Courts, la base de datos de Oxford University Press que permite manejar un gran …
Leer »The Law Applicable to the Continental Shelf Beyond 200nm
The Law Applicable to the Continental Shelf Beyond 200nm Author: Joanna Mossop ISBN: 9780198766094 Binding: Hardcover Publication Date: 08 February 2017 Price: $120.00 [via International Law]
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