sábado, junio 29, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: International Criminal Tribunal

Human Rights Quarterly – Volume 43, Number 2, May 2021

Human Rights Quarterly - Volume 43, Number 2, May 2021

Human Rights Quarterly Volume 43, Number 2, May 2021 ISSN: 0275-0392 @ProjectMUSE @ProjectMUSE Human Rights Quarterly (HRQ) is widely recognized as the leader in the field of human rights. For more than a quarter of a century, HRQ has published articles by experts from around the world writing for the …

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International Community Law Review – Volume 21 (2019): Issue 5 (Nov 2019)

International Community Law Review - Volume 21 (2019): Issue 5 (Nov 2019)

International Community Law Review Volume 21 (2019): Issue 5 (Nov 2019): Special Issue: Judicial Dialogue in Human Rights, edited by Elżbieta Karska and Karol Karski ISSN: 1871-9732 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ “International law can only prosper if careful attention is given to all the voices expressing themselves on current legal issues […]. …

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An Utterly Damning Report on Moreno-Ocampo


An Utterly Damning Report on Moreno-Ocampo by Kevin Jon Heller Following on the heels of the much-reported e-mail scandal, FICHL has released a policy brief entitled “A Prosecutor Falls, Time for the Court to Rise” that is an utterly damning indictment of Luis Moreno-Ocampo’s tenure at the ICC. Here is a taste …

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ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals

ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals In the past couple of months the ICJ has inserted a paragraph at the end of its press releases which seeks to make clear that the ICJ is different from the other newer international tribunals out there. The paragraph can …

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ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals

ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals In the past couple of months the ICJ has inserted a paragraph at the end of its press releases which seeks to make clear that the ICJ is different from the other newer international tribunals out there. The paragraph can …

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Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: An Overview

Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: An Overview I am very grateful for the opportunity to discuss my book on EJIL: Talk! and Opinio Juris, as am I grateful to the commentators on both blogs for taking the time to read and discuss it. In this introductory post I’ll try …

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Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals?

Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals? What a positively weird question, you might think. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court cannot be binding on individuals. It is a treaty, to which only states can be parties, since individuals are not subjects of international law, and it is …

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Declaration (IV,3) concerning Expanding Bullets. The Hague, 29 July 1899

The undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the International Peace Conference at The Hague, duly authorized to that effect by their Governments, inspired by the sentiments which found expression in the Declaration of St. Petersburg of 29 November (11 December) 1868, Declare as follows: The Contracting Parties agree to …

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Declaration (IV,2) concerning Asphyxiating Gases. The Hague, 29 July 1899

The undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the International Peace Conference at The Hague, duly authorized to that effect by their Governments, inspired by the sentiments which found expression in the Declaration of St. Petersburg of 29 November (11 December) 1868, Declare as follows: The Contracting Powers agree to …

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Declaration (IV,1), to Prohibit, for the Term of Five Years, the Launching of Projectiles and Explosives from Balloons, and Other Methods of Similar Nature. The Hague, 29 July 1899

The undersigned, Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the International Peace Conference at The Hague, duly authorized to that effect by their Governments, inspired by the sentiments which found expression in the Declaration of St. Petersburg of 29 November (11 December) 1868, Declare that: The Contracting Powers agree to prohibit, …

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Declaration Renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles Under 400 Grammes Weight. Saint Petersburg, 29 November / 11 December 1868

On the proposition of the Imperial Cabinet of Russia, an International Military Commission having assembled at St. Petersburg in order to examine the expediency of forbidding the use of certain projectiles in time of war between civilized nations, and that Commission having by common agreement fixed the technical limits at …

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International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda sentences former Rwandan prosecutor to life imprisonment

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda sentences former Rwandan prosecutor to life imprisonment Yesterday, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) sentenced Siméon Nchamihigo to life in prison for acts committed during the Rwanda genocide in 1994 (see press release). The third Trial Chamber of the Tribunal found him guilty of …

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