International Criminal Court

The Genocide Convention and the Arrest Warrants Issued by the ICC

The Genocide Convention and the Arrest Warrants Issued by the ICC The Human Rights and International Criminal Law Online Forum…

14 años hace

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute. Last week the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to…

14 años hace

Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals?

Is the Rome Statute Binding on Individuals?What a positively weird question, you might think. The Rome Statute of the International…

14 años hace

Statute of the International Criminal Court for Rwanda (ICTR)

STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR RWANDA(As amended)As amended by the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter…

14 años hace

Statute of the International Criminal Court

The States Parties to this Statute, Conscious that all peoples are united by common bonds, their cultures pieced together in…

14 años hace

Questioning the Statehood of the Vatican

Questioning the Statehood of the Vatican The Pope will begin a State visit to the UK on Thursday Sept 16.…

14 años hace

UN Secretary General Sets Out Options for dealing with Piracy off Somalia

UN Secretary General Sets Out Options for dealing with Piracy off Somalia The United Nations Secretary General has recently submitted…

14 años hace

European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest Bashir

European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest BashirThe BBC reports that a number of European Union States have…

14 años hace

European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest Bashir

European States Ask Kenya to Explain Failure to Arrest Bashir The BBC reports that a number of European Union States…

14 años hace

ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits

ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited Kenya yesterday…

14 años hace

ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits

ICC Reports Kenya and Chad to the UN Security Council over Bashir’s Visits Sudanese President Omar Bashir visited Kenya yesterday…

15 años hace

Proyecto de Código de crímenes contra la paz y la seguridad de la humanidad (en ingles)

Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind (1996) Part one General provisions Article 1 Scope and…

15 años hace