Harvard International Law Journal Volume 61, Issue 1 ISSN: 0017-8063 @HarvardILJ @Harvard International Law Journal As “the oldest and most-cited student-edited journal of international law,” the Harvard International Law Journal covers a variety of international issues and topics in public and private international law. HILJ was “one of the ten most influential …
Leer »The Battle for International Law
The Battle for International Law South-North Perspectives on the Decolonization Era Edited by Jochen von Bernstorff and Philipp Dann ISBN: 9780198849636 (Hardcover)Publicado: 24 December 2019Páginas: 496 This volume provides the first comprehensive analysis of international legal debates between 1955 and 1975 related to the formal decolonization process. It is during …
Leer »Islamic Law and International Law
Islamic Law and International Law Peaceful Resolution of Disputes Emilia Justyna Powell ISBN: 9780190064631 (Hardcover)Publicado: 15 November 2019Páginas: 328 There are twenty-nine Islamic law states (ILS) in the world today, and their Muslim population is over 900 million. Muslims in these countries–and, to some extent, all Muslims–are ethically, morally, doctrinally, …
Leer »Journal of International Dispute Settlement – Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2019
Journal of International Dispute Settlement Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2019 ISSN: 2040-3585, EISSN: 2040-3593 @OUPLaw @OUPLaw Since the 1980s, a radical development has taken place in international dispute settlement. The number of international courts, tribunals and other international dispute resolution mechanisms has increased dramatically. The number of international disputes …
Leer »The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals – Volume 18 (2019): Issue 2 (Nov 2019)
The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals Volume 18 (2019): Issue 2 (Nov 2019) ISSN: 1571-8034 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals is firmly established as the leading journal in its field. Each issue will give you the latest developments with respect to …
Leer »The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law
The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law Edited by Stephen Allen, Daniel Costelloe, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Paul Gragl, and Edward Guntrip ISBN: 9780198786146 (Hardcover)Publicado: 17 November 2019Páginas: 624 The Oxford Handbook of Jurisdiction in International Law provides an authoritative and comprehensive analysis of the concept of jurisdiction in international law. …
Leer »The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Asia and the Pacific
The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Asia and the Pacific Edited by Simon Chesterman, Hisashi Owada, and Ben Saul ISBN: 9780198793854 (Hardcover)Publicado: 04 November 2019Páginas: 912 The growing economic and political significance of Asia has exposed a tension in the modern international order. Despite expanding power and influence, Asian …
Leer »The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals – Volume 18 (2019): Issue 1 (May 2019)
The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals Volume 18 (2019): Issue 1 (May 2019) ISSN: 1571-8034 @brillpublishing @BrillPublishing/ The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals is firmly established as the leading journal in its field. Each issue will give you the latest developments with respect to …
Leer »Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law
Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law Ninth Edition James Crawford ISBN: 9780198737445 (Hardcover)Publicado: 02 September 2019Páginas: 872 Brownlie’s Principles of Public International Law has been shaping the study and application of international law for over 50 years. Serving as a single-volume introduction to the field as a …
Leer »Megaregulation Contested
Megaregulation Contested Global Economic Ordering After TPP Edited by Benedict Kingsbury, David M. Malone, Paul Mertenskötter, Richard B. Stewart, Thomas Streinz, and Atsushi Sunami ISBN: 9780198825296 (Hardcover)Publicado: 13 August 2019Páginas: 752 The Japan-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPPA) of 2018 is the most far-reaching ‘megaregional’ economic agreement in force, with several major …
Leer »Leiden Journal of International Law – Volume 32 – Issue 3 – September 2019
Leiden Journal of International Law Volume 32 – Issue 3 – September 2019 ISSN: 0922-1565 (Print), 1478-9698 (Online) @LJIL_Leiden Firmly established as one of the leading journals in the field, the Leiden Journal of International Law (LJIL) provides a venue for sharp and critical voices that speak on the theory …
Leer »European Journal of International Law – Volume 30, Issue 2, May 2019
European Journal of International Law Volume 30, Issue 2, May 2019 ISSN: 0938-5428, EISSN: 1464-3596 @EJILTalk @EJILTalk EJIL:Talk! EJIL:Live! The European Journal of International Law is firmly established as one of the world’s leading journals in its field. With its distinctive combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the issues …
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