Enseñanza de rudimentos de economía política y social (Sexta Conferencia Internacional Americana, La Habana – 1928)

La Sexta Conferencia Internacional Americana, Resuelve: Recomendar a los países americanos que en sus planes de primera instrucción incorporen la…

12 años hace

Sociedades de la Cruz Roja (Quinta Conferencia Internacional Americana, Santiago – 1923)

La Quinta Conferencia Internacional Americana, Resuelve: 1°. Recomendar a los Gobiernos de las Repúblicas americanas, la conveniencia de estimular la…

12 años hace

Conferencia Internacional de Aviación Civil (Sexta Conferencia Internacional Americana, La Habana – 1928)

La Sexta Conferencia Internacional Americana, Resuelve: Declarar que mira con calurosa simpatía la idea del señor Presidente de los Estados…

12 años hace

UN human rights treaty monitoring reform update: promising OHCHR proposals now to be acted upon by the General Assembly (and the EU)

UN human rights treaty monitoring reform update: promising OHCHR proposals now to be acted upon by the General Assembly (and…

13 años hace

UN Human Rights Council Brings to an End the First Cycle for Universal Periodic Review

UN Human Rights Council Brings to an End the First Cycle for Universal Periodic Review Today marks the beginning of…

13 años hace

New Discussions on UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Reform: Using the Momentum while Acknowledging Financial and Political Realities

New Discussions on UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Reform: Using the Momentum while Acknowledging Financial and Political Realities John Morijn,…

13 años hace

Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United Nations

Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United NationsThe nation’s envoy repeated the government’s claim that the unrest was the…

14 años hace

Interpreting and Applying the UNSC sanctions on Iran in the Admiralty Context: The Sahand [2011] SGHC 27

Interpreting and Applying the UNSC sanctions on Iran in the Admiralty Context: The Sahand [2011] SGHC 27Seow Zhixiang is an…

14 años hace

Countering China, Obama Backs India for U.N. Council

Countering China, Obama Backs India for U.N. CouncilAnalysts say that China has been cool to the idea of permanent membership…

14 años hace