History and International Law

History and International Law

History and International Law An Intertwined Relationship Edited by Annalisa Ciampi, Professor of International Law, University of Verona, Italy ISBN:…

4 años hace

Breaking the Cycle of Mass Atrocities – Marina Aksenova, Elies van Sliedregt, Stephan Parmentier

Breaking the Cycle of Mass Atrocities investigates the role of international criminal law at different stages of mass atrocities, shifting…

5 años hace

The ICC and Israel: Prosecuting the Punitive Demolition of Palestinian Homes

The ICC and Israel: Prosecuting the Punitive Demolition of Palestinian Homes by Elvina Pothelet [Elvina Pothelet is a Visiting Researcher…

6 años hace

Times Are Changing – and What About the International Rule of Law Then?

Times Are Changing – and What About the International Rule of Law Then? Note from the Editors:  This week we…

6 años hace

ICTY: Los crímenes en la ex Yugoslavia fueron perpetrados mayoritariamente por políticos y militares, no por naciones y pueblos

ICTY: Los crímenes en la ex Yugoslavia fueron perpetrados mayoritariamente por políticos y militares, no por naciones y pueblos 06…

7 años hace

Reflections on the Mladić Verdict: A High-Point for The ICTY’s Legacy and Perhaps Hope for Victims of Other Conflicts

Reflections on the Mladić Verdict: A High-Point for The ICTY’s Legacy and Perhaps Hope for Victims of Other Conflicts by…

7 años hace

Mladic Convicted

Mladic Convicted by Jens David Ohlin The ICTY Trial Chamber announced today its verdict in Prosecutor v.  Ratko Mladić and…

7 años hace

Ukraine’s Dashed High Hopes: Predictable and Sober Decision of the ICJ on Indication of Provisional Measures in Ukraine v Russia

Ukraine’s Dashed High Hopes: Predictable and Sober Decision of the ICJ on Indication of Provisional Measures in Ukraine v Russia…

7 años hace

The Use of ‘Do it Yourself’ Barrel Bombs under International Law

The Use of ‘Do it Yourself’ Barrel Bombs under International Law Among the continuing horrors reported from Syria, it is…

10 años hace

Diplomatic Asylum for Julian Assange?

Diplomatic Asylum for Julian Assange? Professor Kai Ambos is Chair of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Comparative Law and International Criminal Law…

12 años hace

ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals

ICJ Press Releases Distinguish the ICJ from other International Tribunals In the past couple of months the ICJ has inserted…

13 años hace