lunes, marzo 3, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Helsinki

Rewriting the History of the Law of Nations

Rewriting the History of the Law of Nations

Rewriting the History of the Law of Nations How James Brown Scott Made Francisco de Vitoria the Founder of International Law Paolo Amorosa ISBN: 9780198849377 (Hardcover)Publicado: 19 November 2019Páginas: 368 In the interwar years, international lawyer James Brown Scott wrote a series of works on the history of his discipline. …

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Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25, 2015

Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25, 2015

Finnish Yearbook of International Law, Volume 25, 2015 Editor(s): Tuomas Tiittala ISBN: 9781509927159Publicado: 03-10-2019Páginas: 312 The Finnish Yearbook of International Law aspires to honour and strengthen the Finnish tradition in international legal scholarship. Open to contributions from all over the world and from all persuasions, the Finnish Yearbook stands out …

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Call for Papers: ‘Rethinking and Renewing the Study of International Law in/from/about Latin America”


Call for Papers: ‘Rethinking and Renewing the Study of International Law in/from/about Latin America” En estas páginas está la información de este interesante ‘call for papers’ que convocan conjuntamente las universidades colombianas Externado, Los Andes y Rosario para un simposio que tendrá lugar del 26 al 28 de septiembre de 2017 en …

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The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations

The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations Edited by Jacob Katz Cogan, Ian Hurd, and Ian Johnstone

The Oxford Handbook of International Organizations Hardback. Published: 17 November 2016 1,344 Pages 246x171mm ISBN: 9780199672202 Virtually every important question of public policy today involves an international organization. From trade to intellectual property to health policy and beyond, governments interact with international organizations in almost everything they do. Increasingly, individual …

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Venice Academy of Human Rights

Venice Academy of Human Rights The Venice Academy of Human Rights will take place from 9-18 July 2012. The theme of this year’s Academy is “The Limits of Human Rights” ( Online registration is open until 1 May 2012. Faculty of the Venice Academy 2012 Professor Philip Alston, NYU Professor …

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LETONIA Y LAOS OTORGARON PLÁCET A NUEVOS EMBAJADORES ARGENTINOS El Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de la República de Letonia y el Ministerio de Asuntos Extranjeros de la República de Laos otorgaron el plácet de estilo a los embajadores argentinos ante esos países, Roberto Daniel Pierini y Ana María Ramírez, respectivamente.Daniel …

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Papeleras XV: Ante La Convocatoria De La Gestión Real Para La Sesión De Nueva York. Estándares De Derecho Internacional Ambiental Para Regular El Comportamiento Estatal En Los Cursos De Agua Compartidos. Contribución De Derecho Ambiental Internacional Al Punto IV De La Concertación: O Sea Tratamiento De Un Caso De Recursos Compartidos Entre La Argentina Y Uruguay., por Camilo H. Rodriguez Berrutti

Dr. CAMILO RODRIGUEZ BERRUTTI Profesor Titular en la Cátedra de Derecho Internacional Público en la UCALP – Investigador Científico D.I.P. (CONICET) Facilitando una conciliación deseable entre la Argentina y el Uruguay, el Rey de España se erige en factotum amistoso y también promisorio. En ocasión del encuentro bilateral a realizarse …

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The Helsinki Rules on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers

Adopted by the International Law Association at the fifty-second conference, held at Helsinki in August 1966. Report of the Committee on the Uses of the Waters of International Rivers (London, International Law Association, 1967) CHAPTER 1. GENERAL Article I The general rules of international law as set forth in these …

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Helsinki Declaration on the Protection of the Ozone Layer (1989)

The Governments and the European Communities represented at the First Meetings of the Parties to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol Aware of the wide agreement among scientists that depletion of the ozone layer will threaten present and future generations unless more stringent control measures are adopted Mindful that …

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Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Minsk Agreement

Signed by the heads of state of Belarus, the Russian Federation, and Ukraine on December 8, 1991. PREAMBLE We, the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine, as founder states of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), which signed the 1922 Union Treaty, further described …

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Declaration on the `Guidelines on the Recognition of New States in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union' (16 December 1991)

In compliance with the European Council’s request, Ministers have assessed developments in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union with a view to elaborating an approach regarding relations with new states. In this connection they have adopted the following guidelines on the formal recognition of new states in Eastern Europe and …

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Dr. Camilo Rodríguez Berrutti Cuando se está abocado a formular demanda ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia – cuya es la competencia y jurisdicción en un caso de índole jurídica previsto en el Estatuto que es parte de la Carta de la ONU – ; con intención de  conseguir a …

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