Hague Conference

Diversity and Integration in Private International Law

Diversity and Integration in Private International Law

Diversity and Integration in Private International Law First Edition Edited by Verónica Ruiz Abou-Nigm and María Blanca Noodt Taquela ISBN:…

6 años hace

A New Legal Framework for the Enforcement of Settlement Agreements Reached through International Mediation: UNCITRAL Concludes Negotiations on Convention and Draft Model Law

A New Legal Framework for the Enforcement of Settlement Agreements Reached through International Mediation: UNCITRAL Concludes Negotiations on Convention and…

7 años hace

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 384

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 384 Idealism, Pragmatism, Eclecticism, General Course on Private International Law by Symeon C. Symeonides.…

8 años hace

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 380

Recueil des cours, Collected Courses, Tome 380 Table of contents The Global Horizon of Private International Law, by J. H.…

8 años hace

Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (Hague Convention)

The States Parties to this Convention,Considering that unlawful acts of seizure or exercise of control of aircraft in flight jeopardize…

14 años hace

Hague Convention for the Recognition of Divorces and Legal Separations

The States signatory to the present Convention,Desiring to facilitate the recognition of divorces and legal separations obtained in their respective…

14 años hace