Geneva Conventions

Recognition of Belligerency and the Law of Armed Conflict

Recognition of Belligerency and the Law of Armed Conflict

Recognition of Belligerency and the Law of Armed Conflict The Lieber Studies Series Robert McLaughlin ISBN: 9780197507056 (Hardcover)Publicado: 19 March…

5 años hace

Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations – Volume 25 (2019): Issue 3 (Sep 2019)

Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations Volume 25 (2019): Issue 3 (Sep 2019) Print ISSN: 1075-2846 @brillpublishing…

5 años hace

Active Hostilities and International Law Limits to Trump’s Executive Order on Guantanamo

Active Hostilities and International Law Limits to Trump’s Executive Order on Guantanamo In his State of the Union speech on…

7 años hace

The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties

The Puzzling US Submission to the Assembly of States Parties by Kevin Jon Heller The US submission to the ASP…

7 años hace

New Issue of EJIL (Vol. 28 (2017) No. 2) – Published

New Issue of EJIL (Vol. 28 (2017) No. 2) – Published The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law (Vol.…

7 años hace

An International Legal Agreement between the FARC guerrilla and the Colombian Government?

An International Legal Agreement between the FARC guerrilla and the Colombian Government? by Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli [Nicolás Carrillo-Santarelli is a Colombian…

9 años hace

Are the two Koreas Now at War?

Are the two Koreas Now at War? In recent days the tensions on the Korean peninsula have risen. On 11…

12 años hace

Exploiting A ‘Dynamic’ Interpretation? The Israeli High Court of Justice Accepts the Legality of Israel’s Quarrying Activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Exploiting A ‘Dynamic’ Interpretation? The Israeli High Court of Justice Accepts the Legality of Israel’s Quarrying Activities in the Occupied…

13 años hace

US Fourth ICCPR Report, IHRL and IHL

US Fourth ICCPR Report, IHRL and IHL The US Government recently submitted to the Human Rights Committee its fourth periodic…

13 años hace

International Law and the Prosecution of Medics in Bahrain

International Law and the Prosecution of Medics in Bahrain Sarah Fulton is International Legal Officer at REDRESS. The trial and…

13 años hace

Proposed Amendments to UK’s Universal Jurisdiction Laws

Proposed Amendments to UK’s Universal Jurisdiction LawsSome months ago we noted that the UK’s coalition government was planning to introduce…

14 años hace

Resolutions of the Diplomatic Conference. Geneva, 12 August 1949

RESOLUTION 1 The Conference recommends that, in the case of a dispute relating to the interpretation or application of the…

14 años hace