Palestine’s Rocky Path to the United NationsEurope Needs to Step in Where the United States Has Failed September 19, 2011 Robert Blecher Summary: With his credibility on the line, Mahmoud Abbas has no choice but go through with an ill-conceived plan to petition the UN for Palestinian statehood. The United States …
Leer »The Palmer Report on the Mavi Marmara Incident and the Legality of Israel’s Blockade of the Gaza Strip
The Palmer Report on the Mavi Marmara Incident and the Legality of Israel’s Blockade of the Gaza StripOverall, the Palmer Report is of high quality and merits close attention. I would strongly urge those interested to read, at the least, the very concise summary of its findings at pages 1-6, …
Leer »Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda in Strasbourg
Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda in StrasbourgI’ve posted on SSRN an article which will be published in the EJIL next year on Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda before the European Court of Human Rights. The pre-print draft will be available on SSRN until the article comes out in the Journal. The abstract is below, …
Leer »Darryl Robinson on Self-Referrals: Is the International Criminal Court Really a Court of Last Resort?
Darryl Robinson on Self-Referrals: Is the International Criminal Court Really a Court of Last Resort?The Journal of International Criminal Justice has recently published a very interesting article by Darryl Robinson titled “The Controversy over Territorial State Referrals and Reflections on ICL Discourse“. In the article, Darryl takes issue with those who …
EL PRESIDENTE DE LA ASAMBLEA GENERAL DE LA ONU VISITA LA ARGENTINA En respuesta a una invitación del Canciller argentino, Héctor Timerman, el Presidente del 65° período de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, Joseph Deiss, visita la Argentina entre hoy y mañana. Timerman recibirá mañana a …
Leer »Can Gaddafi invoke self-defence against NATO; have NATO leaders committed the crime of aggression?
Can Gaddafi invoke self-defence against NATO; have NATO leaders committed the crime of aggression? Dr Gleider I. Hernández is lecturer in law at the University of Durham; Thomas R. Liefländer is a PhD candidate at the University of Cologne. The recent events rapidly unfolding in Libya have raised a number …
Leer »The development on the international human rights framework on sexual orientation and gender identity
The development on the international human rights framework on sexual orientation and gender identity Allehone Mulugeta Abebe is an Ethiopian diplomat based in Geneva, Switzerland. He serves as a co-chair of the Technical Advisory Group of the Global Commission on HIV/AIDS and Law. Opinions expressed in this piece do not …
Leer »De Lisboa a Nueva York: La UE en la Asamblea General de la ONU
De Lisboa a Nueva York: La UE en la Asamblea General de la ONU El Tratado de Lisboa introduce importantes cambios en la representación exterior de la Unión. La UE se encuentra en proceso de implementar el Tratado en foros multilaterales y ha ganado puntos con la resolución 65/276 que …
Leer »Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution?
Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution?I intended to write a post explaining why International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK), does not have immunity under the applicable treaties dealing with the immunity of the IMF and its employees. However, Chimene Keitner has beaten me to …
Leer »Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution?
Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution? I intended to write a post explaining why International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK), does not have immunity under the applicable treaties dealing with the immunity of the IMF and its employees. However, Chimene Keitner has beaten me …
REFORMA DEL CONSEJO DE SEGURIDAD DE LA ONU: TIMERMAN PARTICIPARÁ EN ROMA DE UNA CONFERENCIA MINISTERIAL El canciller Héctor Timerman participará mañana en la ciudad de Roma de la Conferencia Ministerial sobre Gobernanza Global y Reforma del Consejo de Seguridad, una iniciativa del grupo de negociación Uniendo para el Consenso …
Leer »Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United Nations
Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United Nations The nation’s envoy repeated the government’s claim that the unrest was the work of as yet unidentified foreign agitators trying to undermine Syria’s stability. UNITED NATIONS — Syria, facing mounting global pressure over its decisions to move tanks into cities against …
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