Ban Ki-moon urge a Israel y Palestina a retomar las negociaciones 21 de abril, 2015 — La comunidad internacional debe hacer más para promover un retorno a las negociaciones que acaben con casi medio siglo de ocupación y permitan a dos Estados, Israel y Palestina, vivir lado a lado en …
Leer »Fiscal de CPI abre examen preliminar de la situación en Palestina
Fiscal de CPI abre examen preliminar de la situación en Palestina La fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), Fatou Bensouda anunció que ha abierto un examen preliminar de la situación en Palestina para determinar si el caso amerita una investigación profunda. 16 de enero, 2015 — La fiscal de …
Leer »Palestina: estatuto de Estado observador acordado por Asamblea de Estados Partes a la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI), por Nicolás Boeglin
La Asamblea de los Estados Partes en el Estatuto de Roma (que establece desde 1998 la Corte Penal Internacional – CPI) se reúne desde el pasado Lunes 8 hasta el próximo 17 de diciembre en la sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York (ver documento oficial ). En su …
Leer »“Palestina tiene la facultad de demandar a Israel ante la Corte Penal Internacional”
“Palestina tiene la facultad de demandar a Israel ante la Corte Penal Internacional” Luis Moreno Ocampo, ex fiscal de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) y del Juicio a las Juntas, es una de las voces más autorizadas en la escena internacional a la hora de hablar de crímenes de guerra …
Leer »Palestine, UN Non-Member Observer Status and ICC Jurisdiction
Palestine, UN Non-Member Observer Status and ICC Jurisdiction On 22 January 2009, the Palestinian Minister of Justice, on behalf of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), lodged a declaration recognizing the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) (pictured left) ‘for the purpose of identifying, prosecuting and judging the authors and …
Leer »Palestine, When is Your Birthday?
Palestine, When is Your Birthday? Col. (Retired) Liron A. Libman, LL.M, is a former Head of the International Law Department of the Israeli Defense Forces. On 29 November, in what some reports described as a historic vote, the UN General Assembly accorded to “Palestine” the status of a “non-member observer state” …
Leer »ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine.
ICC Assembly of States Parties Urged to Decide on Status of Palestine. In April of this year, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court indicated, in an official statement, that he was not competent to decide whether Palestine is a State such that it can accept the jurisdiction of the ICC under Article 12(3) of the ICC …
Leer »ICC Prosecutor Decides that He Can’t Decide on the Statehood of Palestine. Is He Right?
ICC Prosecutor Decides that He Can’t Decide on the Statehood of Palestine. Is He Right? On Tuesday, the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court issued a statement denying the Prosecutor’s competence to decide on Palestine’s acceptance of ICC jurisdiction. The ICC Prosecutor indicated in his statement that he could not take …
Leer »Palestine, Statehood and the Challenges of Representation
Palestine, Statehood and the Challenges of Representation Guy Goodwin-Gill is a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford and Professor of International Refugee Law, University of Oxford. Previously, he was Professor of Asylum Law at the University of Amsterdam and Legal Adviser in the Office of United Nations High Commissioner …
Leer »U.S. Cutting Off UNESCO Funding After Palestine Vote
U.S. Cutting Off UNESCO Funding After Palestine Vote PARIS — Palestine became a full member of UNESCO on Monday in a highly divisive breakthrough that will cost the agency a fifth of its budget and that the U.S. and other opponents say could harm renewed Mideast peace efforts. Soon after …
Leer »Are Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts with Non-State Groups International or Non-International?
Are Extraterritorial Armed Conflicts with Non-State Groups International or Non-International? From time to time we have had discussions on this blog about the classification of extraterritorial or transnational conflicts between States and non-State groups. In other words, when States use force abroad against non-State groups, does this lead to an armed conflict …
Leer »A Tale of Two Closures: Comments on the Palmer Report Concerning the May 2010 Flotilla Incident
A Tale of Two Closures: Comments on the Palmer Report Concerning the May 2010 Flotilla IncidentTamar Feldman is an attorney and director of the Legal Department at Gisha – Legal Center for Freedom of Movement. She would like to convey her deepest gratitude to Sari Bashi and Yoni Eshpar for …
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