Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights law.As …
Leer »Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful?
Was the Killing of Osama bin Laden Lawful? Yes. I wouldn’t say beyond any doubt, but for practical purposes very nearly so. As I’ve argued before, there are three bodies of law (potentially) relevant for assessing the legality of a targeted killing: the jus ad bellum, IHL, and human rights …
Leer »The International Law Commission Embarks on the Second Reading of Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations
The International Law Commission Embarks on the Second Reading of Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations Jean d’Aspremont and Christiane Ahlborn are both at the Amsterdam Centre for International Law On 26 April 2011 the UN International Law Commission (hereafter ILC) began its second reading of the draft Articles on …
Leer »The International Law Commission Embarks on the Second Reading of Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International Organizations
The International Law Commission Embarks on the Second Reading of Draft Articles on the Responsibility of International OrganizationsJean d’Aspremont and Christiane Ahlborn are both at the Amsterdam Centre for International LawOn 26 April 2011 the UN International Law Commission (hereafter ILC) began its second reading of the draft Articles on the Responsibility …
Leer »UN Panel of Experts Report on the Sri Lanka Conflict
UN Panel of Experts Report on the Sri Lanka ConflictThe report of the Panel of Experts appointed by the UN Secretary-General to investigate the circumstances of the conclusion the Sri Lanka war has been made public today – full report here, BBC News article here. The report was disclosed to …
Leer »Interpreting and Applying the UNSC sanctions on Iran in the Admiralty Context: The Sahand [2011] SGHC 27
Interpreting and Applying the UNSC sanctions on Iran in the Admiralty Context: The Sahand [2011] SGHC 27Seow Zhixiang is an officer in the Singapore Legal Service. The views here are his own. The High Court of Singapore has recently delivered its grounds of decision in a case which considers the impact …
Leer »The UN/French Use of Force in Abidjan: Uncertainties Regarding the Scope of UN Authorizations
The UN/French Use of Force in Abidjan: Uncertainties Regarding the Scope of UN AuthorizationsAntonios Tzanakopoulos is Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Glasgow. Many thanks are due to Professor Vaughan Lowe QC, as well as to Drs James Upcher and Marko Milanović.I. The History of the Conflict in Côte …
Leer »Can the Allies Lawfully Arm the Lybian Rebels?
Can the Allies Lawfully Arm the Lybian Rebels?My friend Claus Kress yesterday brought to my attention a most pertinent legal issue: In Resolution 1970, the UN Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Lybia. The embargo was reaffirmed and strengthened in op. paras. 13-16 of Resolution 1973. The embargo appears …
Leer »What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit?
What does UN Security Council Resolution 1973 permit?I spent much of yesterday conducting interviews with the media about the situation in Libya. One of the questions I was repeatedly asked concerned the scope of the UN Security Council Resolution 1973 which authorises the use of force in Libya. How far does the resolution …
Leer »Security Council Passes Resolution 1973, Authorizing Use of Force Against Lybia
Security Council Passes Resolution 1973, Authorizing Use of Force Against LybiaThe full text of the resolution is available here. The key provision is op. para. 4:4. Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in cooperation with the Secretary-General, to …
Leer »Questioning the Peremptory Status of the Prohibition of the Use of Force
Questioning the Peremptory Status of the Prohibition of the Use of Force Dr James A. Green is lecturer in law at the University of Reading School of Law. The prohibition of the unilateral use of force, as set out most crucially in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, is often …
Leer »Questioning the Peremptory Status of the Prohibition of the Use of Force
Questioning the Peremptory Status of the Prohibition of the Use of ForceDr James A. Green is lecturer in law at the University of Reading School of Law.The prohibition of the unilateral use of force, as set out most crucially in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, is often seen as …
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