The High Contracting Parties,Recognizing that cultural property has suffered grave damage during recent armed conflicts and that, by reason of…
ARTICLE I: Establishment of the AgencyThe Parties hereto establish an International Atomic Energy Agency (hereinafter referred to as "the Agency")…
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour…
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour…
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour…
The States Parties to this Convention,Considering that the development of modern techniques for the exploitation of the living resources of…
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, meeting in Paris from 14 November to 15…
PreambleThe member States of the Council of Europe signatory hereto,Resolved to take new measures to extend the protection of the…
PreambleThe governments signatory hereto, being members of the Council of Europe,Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is…
The Contracting Parties, desiring to assist each other to the extent possible in the event of an incident involving damage…
THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS PROTOCOL,CONSIDERING that it is desirable to amend the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear…
THE CONTRACTING PARTIES,HAVING RECOGNIZED the desirability of establishing some minimum standards to provide financial protection against damage resulting from certain…