Paris Peace Agreements (Cambodia)

Paris, October 23, 1991Annex 1 UNTAC MandateSection A General Procedures In accordance with Article 6 of the Agreement, UNTAC will…

14 años hace

Yamoussoukro IV Accord (Libya)

Final Communiqué of the Fourth Meeting of the Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States on…

14 años hace

Convention on Biological Diversity (Rio)

5 JUNE 1992PreambleThe Contracting Parties,Conscious of the intrinsic value of biological diversity and of the ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific,…

14 años hace

Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution

The Contracting Parties,Determined to act with a view to achieve progress in the protection of the marine environment of the…

14 años hace

Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes

done at Helsinki, on 17 March 1992PREAMBLEThe Parties to this Convention,Mindful that the protection and use of transboundary watercourses and…

14 años hace

Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents Helsinki, 17 March 1992

PreambleThe Parties to this Convention,Mindful of the special importance, in the interest of present and future generations, of protecting human…

14 años hace

Declaration and Treaty establishing the Southern African Development Community (SADC) 2001

PREAMBLEWE, the Heads of State or Government of:The Republic of AngolaThe Republic of BotswanaThe Democratic Republic of CongoThe Kingdom of…

14 años hace

European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

PreambleThe member States of the Council of Europe signatory hereto,Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to…

14 años hace

European Convention on the Participation of Foreigners in Public Life at Local Level

PreambleThe member States of the Council of Europe, signatory hereto,Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to…

14 años hace

Framework Agreement on Enhancing ASEAN Economic Co-operation

The Sultan of Brunei Darussalam, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, the President of…

14 años hace

International Sugar Agreement

CHAPTER IOBJECTIVESArticle 1ObjectivesThe objectives of the International Sugar Agreement, 1992 (hereinafter referred to as this Agreement), in the light of…

14 años hace