martes, diciembre 24, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: customary international law

Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution?

Is IMF Managing Director (DSK) Entitled to Immunity from Prosecution? I intended to write a post explaining why International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director, Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK), does not have immunity under the applicable treaties dealing with the immunity of the IMF and its employees. However, Chimene Keitner has beaten me …

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Questioning the Peremptory Status of the Prohibition of the Use of Force

Questioning the Peremptory Status of the Prohibition of the Use of Force Dr James A. Green is lecturer in law at the University of Reading School of Law. The prohibition of the unilateral use of force, as set out most crucially in Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, is often …

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Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

The States Parties to the present Convention, Recalling that peoples of all nations from ancient times have recognized the status of diplomatic agents, Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of international peace and security, …

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The Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and Optional Protocols

The States Parties to the present Convention, Recalling that consular relations have been established between peoples since ancient times, Having in mind the Purposes and Principles of the Charter of the United Nation concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of international peace and security, and the promotion of …

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Convention on Transit Trade of Land-Locked States

The States Parties to the present Convention,Recalling that Article 55 of its Charter requires the United Nations to promote conditions of economic progress and solutions of international economic problems,Noting General Assembly resolution 1028 (Xl) on the land-locked countries and the expansion of international trade which, “recognizing, the need of land-locked …

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Convention on Special Missions

The States Parties to the present Convention, Recalling that special treatment has always been accorded to special missions, Having in mind the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations concerning the sovereign equality of States, the maintenance of international peace and security and the development of friendly …

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Res. UNGA 2574 (XXIV). Question of the reservation exclu­sively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind

2574 (XXIV). Question of the reservation exclu­sively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind A The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions …

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Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character

The States Parties to the present Convention, Recognizing the increasingly important role of multilateral diplomacy in relations between States and the responsibilities of the United Nations, its specialized agencies and other international organizations of a universal character within the international community, Having in mind the purposes and principles of the …

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Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency

THE STATES PARTIES TO THIS CONVENTION, AWARE that nuclear activities are being carried out in a number of States, NOTING that comprehensive measures have been and are being taken to ensure a high level of safety in nuclear activities, aimed at preventing nuclear accidents and minimizing the consequences of any …

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Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organisations and between International Organisations (1986)

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations Done at Vienna on 21 March 1986 The Parties to the present Convention, Considering the fundamental role of treaties in the history of international relations, Recognizing the consensual nature of treaties and their ever-increasing …

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IAEA Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste

The Group of Experts, Taking note that nuclear power generation and the radioisotopes involve the generation of radioactive waste, Aware of the potential hazards for human health and the environment that could result from the improper management or disposal of radioactive waste, Aware of public concern about any unauthorized international …

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European Convention on Nationality

PreambleThe member States of the Council of Europe and the other States signatory to this Convention,Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members;Bearing in mind the numerous international instruments relating to nationality, multiple nationality and statelessness;Recognising that, in matters concerning nationality, …

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