sábado, diciembre 21, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Crimea

Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood

Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood

Rule of Law and Areas of Limited Statehood Domestic and International Dimensions Edited by Linda Hamid, Research Fellow, Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and Institute for International Law, KU Leuven and Jan Wouters, Full Professor of International Law and International Organizations, Jean Monnet Chair ad personam EU and Global …

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European Journal of International Law – Volume 30, Issue 1, February 2019

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European Journal of International Law Volume 30, Issue 1, February 2019 ISSN: 0938-5428, EISSN: 1464-3596 @EJILTalk @EJILTalk EJIL:Talk! EJIL:Live! EJIL on the OUPblog The European Journal of International Law is firmly established as one of the world’s leading journals in its field. With its distinctive combination of theoretical and practical …

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Cold War II

Project Syndicate

Cold War II Feb 23, 2018 Richard N. Haass A quarter-century after the end of the Cold War, the world unexpectedly finds itself in a second one. This state of affairs was anything but inevitable, and it is in neither side’s interest to escalate tensions further. NEW YORK – The …

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Hybrid Threats and the United States National Security Strategy: Prevailing in an “Arena of Continuous Competition”

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Hybrid Threats and the United States National Security Strategy: Prevailing in an “Arena of Continuous Competition” The dividing line between war and peace is blurred. This is one of the messages emerging from the National Security Strategy (NSS) of the United States of America adopted in December 2017. The United …

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International Law Pays No Homage to Catalonia’s Declaration of Independence


International Law Pays No Homage to Catalonia’s Declaration of Independence by Julian Ku International law is famously mushy and subject to a variety of interpretations.  But there are some issues upon which there is more consensus under international law, such as the illegality of Russia’s annexation of Crimea.  But is …

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Dossier – Semana 42


Semana 42 – 16 al 22 de octubre de 2017 La soberanía que de verdad importa En su famoso “trilema político de la economía mundial”, el economista de Harvard Dani Rodrik expone un problema irresoluble: la integración económica global, el estado-nación y la democracia son tres elementos que no pueden …

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Understanding the Secessionist Surge

Project Syndicate

Understanding the Secessionist Surge National self-determination was a key engine of twentieth-century geopolitics, driving the creation of many new countries after the two world wars, and again after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But, rather than correcting imperialist aberrations, most of today’s attempts at statehood pose a threat to …

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Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession?


Do Kurds Have the Right to Self-Determination and/or Secession? by Milena Sterio [Milena Sterio is a Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Academic Enrichment at the Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.] On September 25, 2017, Kurds voted in a self-declared independence referendum organized by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). , …

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Referendum en Cataluña: carta colectiva de profesores de derecho internacional

Nicolas Boeglin

Referendum en Cataluña: carta colectiva de profesores de derecho internacional Ante la tensión que se vive en España de cara al referéndum convocado por la Generalitat para este primero de octubre del 2017, una carta colectiva denominada “Declaración sobre la falta de fundamentación en el Derecho Internacional del referéndum de …

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Desmembración de Ucrania

El líder separatista de Donetsk, Alexander Zakharchenko. Mstyslav Chernov AP

Desmembración de Ucrania El anuncio de la futura proclamación unilateral de independencia de la región ucrania de Donetsk, bajo control de rebeldes prorrusos, es la demostración de que Moscú no ha detenido su táctica de desmembración de Ucrania. Esta comenzó cuando, a principios de esta década, Kiev decidió, en el …

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Ukraine’s Dashed High Hopes: Predictable and Sober Decision of the ICJ on Indication of Provisional Measures in Ukraine v Russia

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ukraine’s Dashed High Hopes: Predictable and Sober Decision of the ICJ on Indication of Provisional Measures in Ukraine v Russia There has been a lot of speculation on the possible outcome of Ukraine’s request for indication of provisional measures in the highly politicized case of Ukraine v Russia, in particular …

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Ukraine v Russia at the ICJ Hearings on Indication of Provisional Measures: Who Leads?

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

Ukraine v Russia at the ICJ Hearings on Indication of Provisional Measures: Who Leads? From the day Ukraine submitted its case against Russia at the ICJ, one could expect that the case would be extremely politicized and difficult to adjudicate. Oral proceedings on the request for provisional measures held on …

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