miércoles, febrero 5, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: control

Carrot and Stick: How Western States Lure and Pressure Third States into Cooperating in Migration Control and What This Means for Migrants’ Rights

Opinio Juris

Carrot and Stick: How Western States Lure and Pressure Third States into Cooperating in Migration Control and What This Means for Migrants’ Rights [Lena Riemer just finished a year as a Fox International Fellowship at Yale University and is currently a PhD Candidate at the Free University of Berlin writing …

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AIIB Yearbook of International Law

AIIB Yearbook of International Law

AIIB Yearbook of International Law Legitimating Global Governance in Challenging Times Suk Kyoon Kim ISSN: 2590-2822 The AIIB Yearbook of International Law (AYIL) is an annual legal publication in furtherance of the purpose of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, namely to foster sustainable economic development, create wealth and improve infrastructure …

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Recognition of Governments: Legitimacy and Control Six Months after Guaidó

Opinio Juris

Recognition of Governments: Legitimacy and Control Six Months after Guaidó On 23 January 2019, Juan Guaidó, the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, proclaimed himself as the caretaker President of Venezuela in accordance with Article 223 of the Venezuelan Constitution. Guaidó’s Government falls foul of the criterion of effectiveness (control …

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Global Maritime Safety & Security Issues and East Asia

Global Maritime Safety & Security Issues and East Asia

Global Maritime Safety & Security Issues and East Asia Suk Kyoon Kim ISBN: 978-90-04-38901-4 (Hardcover)Publicado: 7 June 2019 ISBN: 978-90-04-38990-8 (E-Book)Publicado: 7 June 2019 In Global Maritime Safety & Security Issues and East Asia, Suk Kyoon Kim offers a multi-disciplinary perspective on various issues of maritime safety and security, focusing …

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Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Law

Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Law

Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Law Edited by Jorge Vinuales and Emma Lees ISBN: 9780198790952 (Hardcover)Publicado: 25 June 2019Páginas: 1328 The study of environmental law has been relatively limited to date, with researchers either adopting a country-by-country approach, confining comparative analysis within the bounds of a basic common chapter structure, …

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The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties

The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties

The Oxford Handbook of United Nations Treaties Simon Chesterman, David M. Malone, and Santiago Villalpando ISBN: 9780190947842 (Hardcover)Publicado: 27 June 2019Páginas: 736 The United Nations is a vital part of the international order. Yet this book argues that the greatest contribution of the UN is not what it has achieved …

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Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales – Número 37, junio 2019

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales - Número 37, junio 2019

Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales Número 37, junio 2019 ISSN: 1697-5197 [email protected] La Revista Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales es una publicación de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), que inició su andadura en el año 2000. La publicación de trabajos en la REEI está …

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Revista IIDH – Número 68

Revista IIDH - Número 68

Revista IIDH Número 68 ISSN: 1015-5074 @IIDHoficial IIDH Audiovisuales @IIDHpaginaoficial El Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos (IIDH) presenta el número 68 de su Revista IIDH, cuyo tema central es la conmemoración del 70º aniversario de las declaraciones de derechos humanos universal y americana. En sus contenidos, que se reseñan a …

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Research Handbook on Remote Warfare

Research Handbook on Remote Warfare

Research Handbook on Remote Warfare Research Handbooks in International Law series Edited by Jens David Ohlin, Vice Dean and Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, US ISBN: 9781784716981Publicado: 2019Páginas: 528 eISBN: 9781784716998 Publicado: 2019Páginas: 528 The practice of armed conflict has changed radically in the last decade. With eminent contributors …

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La Asamblea General pide acabar con el control británico del archipiélago de Chagos

ONU/Eskinder Debebe La Asamblea General de la ONU escuchando el discurso del primer ministro de Mauricio, Pravind Kumar Juqnauth.

La Asamblea General pide acabar con el control británico del archipiélago de Chagos La Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas aprobó este miércoles una resolución en la que se exige poner fin al control británico del archipiélago de Chagos, situado en el centro del Océano Índico, y que el conjunto …

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The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty – Leandro Mancano


The European Union and Deprivation of Liberty examines the EU legislative and judicial approach to deprivation of liberty from the perspective of the following fundamental rights and principles: the principle of legality and proportionality of penalties; the right to liberty; and the principle that criminal penalties must aim for the social reintegration of the offenders. The book measures the relevant EU law against those rights; this constitutes the very core of the relationship between public powers and individual liberty. The analysis shows that the ultimate goal of the Union is the creation and preservation of the EU as a borderless area. The holistic approach adopted in the book explains how different legal phenomena connected to deprivation of liberty have come into being in EU law. It also shows that those phenomena call for solutions suitable for the peculiarities of the EU legal order.

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CASO DEL CANAL DE CORFÚ (FONDO DEL ASUNTO) Fallo de 9 de abril de 1949 – Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia

CASO DEL CANAL DE CORFU (FONDO DEL ASUNTO) Fallo de 9 de abril de 1949  Resúmenes de los fallos, opiniones consultivas y providencias de la Corte Internacional de Justicia   El caso del Canal de Corfú (Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte contra Albania) se originó por …

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