Clarifying the Principle of Complementarity: the ICC Confirms Admissibility of Case Despite Investigation by Kenya

Clarifying the Principle of Complementarity: the ICC Confirms Admissibility of Case Despite Investigation by KenyaChris Stephen is an associate at…

13 años hace

Can Libya Sue the UK on Recognition of the National Transitional Council?

Can Libya Sue the UK on Recognition of the National Transitional Council?Earlier this week, the UK Foreign Secretary, William Hague…

14 años hace

ICJ Permits Greece to Intervene in Germany v. Italy Immunity case

ICJ Permits Greece to Intervene in Germany v. Italy Immunity caseOn the 4th of July, the International Court of Justice…

14 años hace

Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory Opinion

Waiting for Godot: An Analysis of the ICJ Kosovo Advisory OpinionDov Jacobs and Yannick Radi are both postdoctoral researchers at…

14 años hace

Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United Nations

Syria Tries to Defend Its Record to United NationsThe nation’s envoy repeated the government’s claim that the unrest was the…

14 años hace

Mauritius v. United Kingdom: Submission of the dispute on the Marine Protected Area around the Chagos Archipelago to arbitration

Mauritius v. United Kingdom: Submission of the dispute on the Marine Protected Area around the Chagos Archipelago to arbitrationIrini Papanicolopulu is…

14 años hace

Kenyan ICC Cases a Good Test of an ICC Founding Principle

Kenyan ICC Cases a Good Test of an ICC Founding PrincipleMax Du Plessis is associate professor at the University of…

14 años hace

International Convention for the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade

Signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926Entry into force: 9 March 1927, in accordance with article 12. The Convention was…

14 años hace

International convention for the unification of certain rules concerning the immunity of state-owned ships and 1934 additional protocol

THE PRESIDENT of the German Reich, His Majesty the King of the Belgians… etc.RECOGNIZING the desirability of determining by common…

14 años hace

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute.

ICC Assembly of States Parties Discusses Possible Amendments to ICC Statute.Last week the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the…

14 años hace

Convention on the Status of Refugees and Protocol (1967)

PreambleThe High Contracting Parties ,Considering that the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved…

14 años hace

NATO Status of Forces Agreement (Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces)

The parties to the North Atlantic Treaty signed in Washington on 4 April, 1949,Considering that the forces of one Party…

14 años hace