martes, diciembre 24, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Congo

Self-Defense and Non-State Actors: Indeterminacy and the Jus ad Bellum

Self-Defense and Non-State Actors: Indeterminacy and the Jus ad Bellum Self-defense in response to armed attacks by non-state actors is undoubtedly one of the most interesting – and controversial – issues in modern international law. It is of great practical relevance, as for instance, with the ongoing use of drones …

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ICC Prosecutor Seeks Permission to Investigate Kenyan Crimes Against Humanity

ICC Prosecutor Seeks Permission to Investigate Kenyan Crimes Against Humanity Lionel Nichols is a research student in the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford. He is an executive member of the Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group and has prevously interned at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the Special …

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Africa and the International Criminal Court

Africa and the International Criminal Court This week African States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court will meet in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to assess the work of the ICC in relation to Africa. The meeting is significant as all of the current situations and cases under …

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Belgium brings case against Senegal in the ICJ over Failure to Prosecute Hissene Habre

Belgium brings case against Senegal in the ICJ over Failure to Prosecute Hissene Habre Belgium has filed a case in the ICJ against Senegal (see press release) with regard to Senegal’s failure to prosecute former Chadian Head of State, Hissene Habre. This is the latest episode in the long running …

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The International Criminal Court decides on confirmation of charges against Congolese “warlords”

The International Criminal Court decides on confirmation of charges against Congolese “warlords” On Friday 26 September the International Criminal Court issued the decision on the confirmation of charges in the case of “The Prosecutor v. Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui”. The two militia leaders Katanga and Ngudjolo Chui are …

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Convenio fijando el régimen de la importación de las bebidas espirituosas en África cumpliendo lo prescrito por el artículo XCII del Acta de Bruselas de 2 de julio de 1890: firmado en Bruselas el 8 de junio de 1899

Su Majestad el Rey de España, y en Su Nombre Su Majestad la Reina Regente del Reinó; Su Majestad el Emperador de Alemania, Rey de Prusia, en nombre del Imperio alemán; Su Majestad el Rey de los Belgas; Su Majestad el Rey Soberano del Estado Independiente del Congo; el Presidente …

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Acta General de la Conferencia de Berlin (26 de Febrero de 1885)

En el nombre de Dios Todopoderoso. Su Majestad la Reina del Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda, Emperatriz de la India, Su Majestad el Emperador de Alemania, Rey de Prusia; Su Majestad el Emperador de Austria, rey de Bohemia, etc., y Rey Apostólico de Hungría, Su Majestad el Rey …

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