sábado, diciembre 21, 2024

Archivo de Etiquetas: Case

Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos – Nuevos informes de peticiones y casos en la Web

Nuevos informes de peticiones y casos en la Web New Reports on Petitions and Cases on the Website Español English Informes de Admisibilidad Admissibility Reports Informe No. 1/10 Petición 1723-02 Homero Flor Freire (Ecuador) Report Nº 71/10 Petition 691-04 Omar Francisco Canales Ciliezar HONDURAS Informe No. 2/10 Petición 1011-03 Fredy …

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Joan Donoghue Elected to ICJ

Joan Donoghue Elected to ICJ The United Nations General Assembly and Security Council has elected Joan Donoghue, from the United States, to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) (see here). Joan Donoghue will replace Thomas Buergenthal who resigned from the Court with effect from last week. Ms Donoghue is currently Principal …

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Preliminary Thoughts on the Kosovo Opinion

Preliminary Thoughts on the Kosovo OpinionZoran Oklopcic is Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Carleton University, Ottawa. Hs previous EJIL:Talk! post on Self-Determination and the Status of Kosovo can be found here.As we digest the meaning and implications of the recent Advisory Opinion, Separate and Dissenting Opinions, I’d like to offer …

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ICJ finds that Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence not in Violation of International Law

ICJ finds that Kosovo’s Declaration of Independence not in Violation of International LawThe International Court of Justice has held that the declaration of independence by Kosovo is not in violation of international law.  Despite what is likely to be said in the media, this opinion is rather narrow. The Court has …

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Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (Vienna, 23 May 1969)

THE STATES PARTIES TO THE PRESENT CONVENTION, CONSIDERING the fundamental role of treaties in the history of international relations, RECOGNIZING the ever-increasing importance of treaties as a source of international law and as a means of developing peaceful co-operation among nations, whatever their constitutional and social systems, NOTING that the …

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Charter of the United Nations

WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of …

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UK Metropolitan Police Investigate MI5 Complicity in Torture

UK Metropolitan Police Investigate MI5 Complicity in Torture In a story in The Guardian today, it was reported that the UK’s Metropolitan Police are investigating MI5 for complicity in US torture in relation to the case of Guantanamo detainee Aamer Shaker. Shaker is a permanent resident of the UK and …

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International Court of Justice to Appoint 6 New Clerks

International Court of Justice to Appoint 6 New Clerks The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has announced that it is seeking to appoint 6 new Law Clerks for its judges. The additional clerks will make it possible for each judge to have a full time law clerk. The decision by the …

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New Issue of EJIL [Vol 20 (3)] out

New Issue of EJIL [Vol 20 (3)] out The latest issue of the European Journal of International Law has been published and is available here and here. This is Issue 3 of Volume 20. Readers will remember that the current volume of EJIL celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Journal. …

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ICC Launches Online Library on International Criminal Law

ICC Launches Online Library on International Criminal Law The International Criminal Court has recently launched a new version of its Legal Tools site. The site contains an invaluable online library on international criminal law which will probably be  the first port of call for those working in this field. According …

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ICTY Trial Chamber decides Milutinovic et al

ICTY Trial Chamber decides Milutinovic et al Today a Trial Chamber of the ICTY delivered its judgment in Milutinovic et al, a case against a number of high-ranking political, military and police officials of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia regarding crimes committed by FRY/Serbian forces in Kosovo in …

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One step forward, two steps backward: The ICJ interprets Mexico’s Request for Interpretation of Avena and other Mexican Nationals

One step forward, two steps backward: The ICJ interprets Mexico’s Request for Interpretation of Avena and other Mexican Nationals On 19 January 2009, the International Court of Justice formally declined to interpret its judgment in the Case of Avena and Certain Other Mexican Nationals (Avena), which dealt, as did its …

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