sábado, febrero 22, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Case

The Difference between Rhetoric and Reality: Why an Illegitimate Regime May Still be a Government in the Eyes of International Law

The Difference between Rhetoric and Reality: Why an Illegitimate Regime May Still be a Government in the Eyes of International LawStefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford.The current situation in Libya provides a good example of grand political rhetoric meeting legal reality. Over the …

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Full text of resolution 1970 (2011) – Libya

The full text of resolution 1970 (2011) reads as follows: “The Security Council, “Expressing grave concern at the situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and condemning the violence and use of force against civilians, “Deploring the gross and systematic violation of human rights, including the repression of peaceful demonstrators, expressing …

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In Swift, Decisive Action, Security Council Imposes Tough Measures on Libyan Regime, Adopting Resolution 1970 in Wake of Crackdown on Protesters

In Swift, Decisive Action, Security Council Imposes Tough Measures on Libyan Regime, Adopting Resolution 1970 in Wake of Crackdown on ProtestersSituation Referred to International Criminal Court;Secretary-General Expresses Hope Message ‘Heard and Heeded’ in LibyaDeploring what it called “the gross and systematic violation of human rights” in strife-torn Libya, the Security …

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Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?

Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford.A wind of change is currently sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East. While the transformation in Tunisia and Egypt has, at least so far, occurred …

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Mauritius v. United Kingdom: Submission of the dispute on the Marine Protected Area around the Chagos Archipelago to arbitration

Mauritius v. United Kingdom: Submission of the dispute on the Marine Protected Area around the Chagos Archipelago to arbitrationIrini Papanicolopulu is Marie Curie Fellow, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford and a Senior Researcher in international law at the University of Milano-Bicocca (on leave).On 20 December 2010, Mauritius initiated proceedings against …

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Washington, DC, 16 de febrero de 2011 – La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) presentó ante la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (Corte IDH) el Caso 12.688, Nadege Dorzema y Otros (Masacre De Guayubín), respecto de República Dominicana. El caso se relaciona con los hechos sucedidos en la frontera …

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Kenyan ICC Cases a Good Test of an ICC Founding Principle

Kenyan ICC Cases a Good Test of an ICC Founding PrincipleMax Du Plessis is associate professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and Senior Research Associate at the International Crimes in Africa Programme of the Institute for Security Studies. Chris Gevers is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University …

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International Convention for the Abolition of Slavery and the Slave Trade

Signed at Geneva on 25 September 1926 Entry into force: 9 March 1927, in accordance with article 12. The Convention was amended by the Protocol done at the Headquarters of the United Nations, New York, on 7 December 1953; the amended Convention entered into force on 7 July 1955, the date …

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International convention for the unification of certain rules concerning the immunity of state-owned ships and 1934 additional protocol

THE PRESIDENT of the German Reich, His Majesty the King of the Belgians… etc. RECOGNIZING the desirability of determining by common agreement certain uniform rules concerning the immunity of State-owned ships, have decided to conclude a convention to this effect, and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, namely: (Follows the list …

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International Convention for the Suppression of the Circulation of and Traffic in Obscene Publications

concluded at Geneva on 12 September 1923 Albania, Germany, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, the British Empire (with the Union of South Africa, New Zealand, India and the Irish Free State), Bulgaria, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Monaco, Panama, …

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The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Requiem for Legality

The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Requiem for LegalityDr Miroslav Baros is Senior Lecturer in Law at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Introduction  ‘The Order further confirms that any proceeding instituted before any Court… which challenges [my] decisions sanctioning individuals …enacted by  me,  will be inadmissible, unless… I expressly give …

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ICJ Diallo Merits Judgment

ICJ Diallo Merits JudgmentToday the ICJ delivered its merits judgment in the case concerning Ahmadou Sadio Diallo (Republic of Guinea v. Democratic Republic of the Congo). The Court found that in carrying out the arrest, detention and expulsion of Mr. Diallo in 1995-1996, the DRC violated his fundamental rights under …

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