sábado, febrero 22, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Bosnia

Cuadriga: Violencia a refugiados: ¿cómo parar el odio?

Cuadriga | DW.COM

Cuadriga: Violencia a refugiados: ¿cómo parar el odio? Una triste realidad que es casi parte de la vida cotidiana en el estado de Sajonia, en el Este de Alemania: en eventos por separado se ha podido ver cómo hay gente que rechaza abiertamente la llegada de refugiados y que además …

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Consejo de Seguridad insta a cooperar con Tribunales Internacionales para Rwanda y la ex Yugoslavia

Refugiados de Rwanda, que huyeron del genocidio, regresan a su país en julio de 1994 desde Zaire (la actual República Democrática del Congo). Foto: ONU/John Isaac

Consejo de Seguridad insta a cooperar con Tribunales Internacionales para Rwanda y la ex Yugoslavia 22 de diciembre, 2015 — El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU reafirmó su determinación de luchar contra la impunidad por los graves crímenes internacionales cometidos y abogó por el enjuiciamiento de todos los acusados …

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¿Qué pasa cuando un Estado se declara independiente?

¿Qué pasa cuando un Estado se declara independiente? El mayor hincha de Bosnia y Herzegovina es de origen serbio. “Izet, Izet, Izet me arrodillo ante ti Izet… 2-1… Izet Hajrović… bienvenido al paraíso azul”. Así celebró el comentarista, Marjan Mijajlović, con la garganta rota, el gol contra Eslovaquia que significaba …

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Sense and Nonsense of Territorial Referendums in Ukraine, and Why the 16 March Referendum in Crimea Does Not Justify Crimea’s Alteration of Territorial Status under International Law

Sense and Nonsense of Territorial Referendums in Ukraine, and Why the 16 March Referendum in Crimea Does Not Justify Crimea’s Alteration of Territorial Status under International Law Yesterday, on 15 April 2014, Ukrainian interim president Turtschinov considered to hold, simultaneously with the presidential elections, a referendum on regional competences in …

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Construction of a Road in Costa Rica along the San Juan River (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) – Corte Internacional de Justicia

Press Release No. 2013/18 25 July 2013 – FULL TEXT Certain Activities carried out by Nicaragua in the Border Area (Costa Rica v. Nicaragua) Construction of a Road in Costa Rica along the San Juan River (Nicaragua v. Costa Rica) The Court finds that the circumstances, as they now present …

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General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala

General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala The General Assembly, working through its busy agenda, today adopted five resolutions and one decision on a wide range of items, including on the self-determination of French Polynesia and …

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General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala

General Assembly Adopts Texts on Items Ranging from Self-Determination to Peace in South Atlantic; Supports Extension of Impunity Commission in Guatemala The General Assembly, working through its busy agenda, today adopted five resolutions and one decision on a wide range of items, including on the self-determination of French Polynesia and …

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Can the Allies Lawfully Arm the Lybian Rebels?

Can the Allies Lawfully Arm the Lybian Rebels?My friend Claus Kress yesterday brought to my attention a most pertinent legal issue: In Resolution 1970, the UN Security Council imposed an arms embargo on Lybia. The embargo was reaffirmed and strengthened in op. paras. 13-16 of Resolution 1973. The embargo appears …

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In Swift, Decisive Action, Security Council Imposes Tough Measures on Libyan Regime, Adopting Resolution 1970 in Wake of Crackdown on Protesters

In Swift, Decisive Action, Security Council Imposes Tough Measures on Libyan Regime, Adopting Resolution 1970 in Wake of Crackdown on ProtestersSituation Referred to International Criminal Court;Secretary-General Expresses Hope Message ‘Heard and Heeded’ in LibyaDeploring what it called “the gross and systematic violation of human rights” in strife-torn Libya, the Security …

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Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?

Could the International Court of Justice Indicate a ‘No-Fly Zone’ over Libya?Stefan Talmon is Professor of Public International Law at the University of Oxford.A wind of change is currently sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East. While the transformation in Tunisia and Egypt has, at least so far, occurred …

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The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Requiem for Legality

The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Requiem for LegalityDr Miroslav Baros is Senior Lecturer in Law at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Introduction  ‘The Order further confirms that any proceeding instituted before any Court… which challenges [my] decisions sanctioning individuals …enacted by  me,  will be inadmissible, unless… I expressly give …

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