lunes, marzo 31, 2025

Archivo de Etiquetas: Bangladesh

Hacia un tratado vinculante para la prohibición total de las armas nucleares

Ensayo nuclear realizado por Estados Unidos en Enewetak, un atolón de las Islas Marshall, el 1 de noviembre de 1952. Foto: Gobierno de EEUU

Hacia un tratado vinculante para la prohibición total de las armas nucleares 27 de marzo, 2017 — Una conferencia de Naciones Unidas para negociar un instrumento legalmente vinculante que prohíba las armas nucleares y que conduzca a su total eliminación inició hoy en Nueva York. El evento es presidido por …

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The ECtHR’s Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary and Why It Matters

EJIL Blog of the European Journal of International Law

The ECtHR’s Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary and Why It Matters The European Court of Human Rights delivered a judgment last Tuesday in the case of Ilias and Ahmed v. Hungary, finding multiple violations of the European Convention as a result of Hungary’s border procedures and its treatment of asylum-seekers. …

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Mientras Europa imita a Donald Trump

Cadáveres de inmigrantes que murieron ahogados frente a las costas libias este lunes. HANDOUT EFE

Mientras Europa imita a Donald Trump Han llegado muchísimos refugiados en 2015, otros tantos se deberán expulsar en 2017. Europa no perdona. ¡Un continente con más de 500 millones de habitantes y el PIB más importante del planeta, teme, bajo peligro de catástrofe humanitaria, acoger a unos centenares de miles …

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La COP 22 concluye con un firme compromiso de lucha contra el cambio climático

Las Maldivas se encuentran entre los países que sufren de manera desproporcionada los efectos del cambio climático. Foto: FAO/Prakash Singh

La COP 22 concluye con un firme compromiso de lucha contra el cambio climático 18 de noviembre, 2016 — La 22º Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de la ONU sobre Cambio Climático (COP 22) concluyó este viernes en Marruecos con la firma de la “Proclamación de Marrakech”, …

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Vernacular Nations: Westphalia and the Many Lives of States in Asia


Singh: Vernacular Nations: Westphalia and the Many Lives of States in Asia Prabhakar Singh ([email protected]) teaches at the O P Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana. Postcolonial Asia offers at least seven types of states and nations. In their somewhat uncritical pursuit of total nationalism, territorial Asian states compete with their …

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Democratic Statehood in International Law

Democratic Statehood in International Law In the book Democratic Statehood in International Law, I develop an argument that state creation is a political process of overcoming a competing claim to territorial integrity. The emergence of a new state is not an automatic or factual occurrence upon meeting the statehood criteria. …

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Does General Assembly Resolution 67/19 Have Any Implications for the Legal Status of Palestine?

Does General Assembly Resolution 67/19 Have Any Implications for the Legal Status of Palestine? Jure Vidmar is Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the Faculty of Law, and Research Fellow at St Johns College, University of Oxford. He has written widely on the process of State creation (see SSRN page here), including: …

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From the North Sea to the Bay of Bengal: Maritime Delimitation at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

From the North Sea to the Bay of Bengal: Maritime Delimitation at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Last week, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea delivered its judgment in the Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the …

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From the North Sea to the Bay of Bengal: Maritime Delimitation at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

From the North Sea to the Bay of Bengal: Maritime Delimitation at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea Last week, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea delivered its judgment in the Dispute concerning delimitation of the maritime boundary between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the Bay …

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Comisión preparatoria de la autoridad internacional de los fondos marinos y el tribunal internacional del derecho del mar 1983-1994 (Documentos en español)

PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR THE INTERNATIONAL SEABED AUTHORITY AND FOR THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA CUMULATIVE LIST OF DOCUMENTS (1983 -1995) Document No. List of delegations to the Preparatory Commission LOS/PCN/INF/1 List of delegations to the first session of the Preparatory Commission, Kingston, Jamaica, 15 March to …

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International Tribunal for the Law of Sea’s First Judgment on Maritime Delimitation

International Tribunal for the Law of Sea’s First Judgment on Maritime Delimitation And in other news . . . the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) also had a first of its own this past Wednesday. ITLOS delivered judgment in its first maritime delimitation case – Dispute concerning delimitation of …

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Acuerdo por el que se establece la Asociación Internacional de Fomento del Té. Ginebra, 31 de marzo de 1977

PREÁMBULO Los gobiernos de los países productores y exportadores netos de té parte en el presente Convenio, Conscientes de la importancia del té para las respectivas economías de sus países, para sus ingresos de divisas y para el empleo rural, Observando con preocupación la baja experimentada por los precios reales …

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